Day 13: Spending Time On The Weekend Cleaning and Catching Up

Jazmine Ortega
The Daily Writing Habit
1 min readSep 22, 2022
Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash

Cleaning is for the weekends. I enjoy the weekdays and have an organized mess in my room and then later cleaning it up when need be.

Thats what weekends are for, to play catch up and do the things that you weren’t able to do on the weekdays. I love to clean because it makes me feel fresh.

Cleaning brings me satisfaction and makes me happy. I usually play some music while doing so and it make me even more motivated to keep on cleaning.

Having a spare time on the weekends to let yourself catch up, clean, relax, is a great way to motivate yourself and become determined. Being organized is what make you, you.

Usually in my spare time I do some picking up here and there but it’s not the same as having one full day to CLEANING.

Having a full day really gives it the full effect of being on your toes and dancing freely while clesning.

