Day 18: A Time Where Patience Came Very Handy

Jazmine Ortega
The Daily Writing Habit
1 min readSep 26, 2022
Photo by Free Walking Tour Salzburg on Unsplash

Everything has gotten better, simpler, and more convenient as the digital era has reached its maximum.

Nowadays, when we become hungry, we don’t have to go through the painstaking process of breaking up the items, putting them in a pan, sauteing them, and then washing the dishes. We can order food to be brought to us within an hour with only a few taps on our phones.

We no longer need to wait for one or both of our schedules to open up or travel huge distances to see someone we miss if we want to see them right now, FaceTime and Skype are available.

We now enjoy quick gratification and consider it to be a fundamental right thanks to modern technology.

When we exercise patience, we wait for events to play out rather than acting upon those we can’t control. We have a sharper and more calculated view as everything takes its natural path and fits into place.

This provides us ample time to assess the problem, consider potential solutions and next steps as well as their results, and come to the best judgments that will work in our advantage.

