Day 19: How Can I Stay Productive To Improve Your Time and Your Knowledge

Carelis Enriquez
The Daily Writing Habit
2 min readSep 30, 2022
Photo by Carl Heyerdahl on Unsplash

Do you often feel like your workday is getting out of control? You start each day with a plan to get so many things done, but soon you get distracted, focus on low-priority tasks, and just procrastinate. So how can you take back control of your time?

We must trust in small advances. You can’t expect to change years of work habits overnight. Small changes in your daily routine can gradually add up to big changes in productivity. We should keep adding things to find the best strategies for us.

We must be responsible in all spheres of our life. We must establish our own deadlines, and something that can work is to tell someone close to you who commits you to do that task and not leave it halfway.

Learn to forgive yourself because you are human and accept that sometimes you will slip up, get distracted, and have a bad day. It is more important to keep going than to dwell on mistakes.

Think you can get more done juggling multiple tasks at the same time? It may make you feel productive, but in reality, you are not paying due attention to each task because the human body, the brain, is simply not set up to multitask. Because when you multitask, you tend to make more mistakes.

When you learn and maintain good time management skills, you will free yourself from deadline pressure and stress in general. You’ll be more productive, procrastinate less, and have more time to relax, which further helps reduce stress and anxiety.

Time management skills are varied, you may need to try several before you find the right one for you. They are different for each person and you have to find what works best for you.

So make small changes concentrate on one task at a time, plan and focus and you will not waste your time, you will be very productive.



Carelis Enriquez
The Daily Writing Habit

I am a girl with many dreams, but I like the most is traveling and enjoy making reviews of the places that I visit.