Day 19: Listening to Music To Get Out of Unproductive Slump

Jazmine Ortega
The Daily Writing Habit
2 min readSep 28, 2022
Photo by Simon Noh on Unsplash

Listening to music is the best way to disconnect. We’re all guilty of repeatedly listening to our favorite song till we get bored with it.

If you’re anything like me, a successful study session requires music. Whether it’s energetic dance music, soothing classical music, or non-lyrical electronic music, listening to tunes that make you happy can make any activity much easier to complete.

I’ve been listening to the same playlist repeatedly as of late, and musical ruts like this may make for a dull day.

I tend to listen to energetic pop music, but I’ve noticed that I’m constantly drawn to tracks that have a more laid-back, indie vibe. I made the decision to start investigating more independent musicians and playlists, and I was immediately hooked!

It’s simple to become fixated on your preferred genre and be reluctant to listen to any other types of music. Try spending your freetime in coffee shops or other locations that play music that isn’t similar to your own comfort place.

You might discover that the pleasant experiences of enjoying a fantastic cappuccino with your pals are connected to the hip new genre that was playing in the background.

The musical world is open to you!

