Day 23: How to Lose Weight Between Waist and Hips?

Jose Angel Martinez
2 min readOct 5, 2022


Unsightly fat between the waist and hips causes a negative impact on self-esteem.

Photo by Samuel Girven on Unsplash

When this fat builds up in the stomach particularly, you also must worry about your overall health. Visceral fat, which packs around the organs, raises the risk for cardiovascular disease. The best way to melt this off is by exercising discipline at the dinner table and exercising your body.

Step 1

Focus on total body weight loss by cutting your calories. To lose weight between the waist and hips, you need to lose weight throughout your entire body because spot reduction is not possible. Reduce your intake by 500 calories a day, and you should lose about 1 pound of weight a week.

Step 2

Start your day with a nutritious breakfast. Skipping breakfast to get a head start with weight loss can backfire right before your eyes. This often leads to hunger later in the morning and binging on unhealthy fare. Prevent this from happening by fixing a healthy meal, such as a vegetable omelet, oatmeal with low-fat milk or half a whole grain bagel with almond butter spread across the top. Focus on eating nutrient-dense foods and those high in fiber/protein since they’ll help you stay full.

Step 3

Integrate healthy snacks into your diet plan. The goal is to just eat enough to take the edge off your hunger. Whole grain crackers with hummus dip are a healthy snack option. Eat your snacks two to three hours after your meals, or as soon as you start feeling hungry.

Step 4

Burn the weight off your waist and hips. Running, biking, elliptical training, stair-climbing, rowing, and water aerobics are all good forms of cardio because they burn calories and work the muscles in the waist and hips. Choose a form that you like and perform it in an interval fashion to boost your fat loss. Start with a light warm-up, then alternate back and forth between high and low intensity for the rest of your workout. Make your high-intensity bouts half if your low-intensity bouts. For example, run fast for 20 seconds and jog slowly for 40. Aim for 45 to 60 minutes of training and work out three days a week on nonconsecutive days.

