Day: 9 A Book That Brings Me Joy

Jazmine Ortega
The Daily Writing Habit
1 min readSep 18, 2022
Photo by Henry Be on Unsplash

Books, they’re all around us. Sometimes it is hard to find a book that suits your personality and pleases you but if you look hard enough you will for sure find the best one for you.

Whenever I go to any book store especially Barns and Nobles, I get 2–3 books to read while I’m there. I go for more thriller and crime books because they give me suspense and make me want to keep reading.

I don’t have a book in preference that I can pick and tell you which one I LOVE because I love all of the thriller and crime books!

To pick a good for you, you always want to ask yourself “What do I like”, usually there’s books on any specific topic. Also reading the back of the book when finding one is also a great way to pick a great book.

The back of the book gives you a small summary of the book will be about without giving you any spoilers.

I love to read. I love the ambiance of book stores and the calming energy there is. Just sitting there unbothered with a great book in my hands, sounds like unicorns and rainbows to me.

