Day 7: Getting Out Of Bad Situations Are A Lot Harder Than You Think

Fabio Gonzalez
The Daily Writing Habit
2 min readSep 19, 2022
Somebody Having A Rough Day from Forbes

Everyone no matter the age goes through a bad time, some people can get over it faster than the other. No matter the situation, if you have the right advice you can get through it with no issue.

A bad situation can mean anything with the right circumstances. The type of bad situation I’m talking about is somebody having a bad moment in life sad, angry, confused it doesn’t matter. Let’s say you got your heartbroken and you think it’s the end of the world, it isn’t you just are going through emotional detachment; you aren’t used to being with the person you care for and that’s okay. Love is something you can find in your life again all you got to do is look and talk.

If you are feeling sad, angry for another reason, never be afraid to talk to the people you have in your life. Those people around you care more for you then you think. They won’t laugh or do nothing of that sort, they will help you get through that situation no matter what it is. If you don’t have anyone like that in your life, well Nows the perfect time! Go out of your comfort zone meet new people. That would definitely help you out in a great way; If, however, you don’t want to do that then therapy is my only other option, those people make money to make your life better or at least they try too.

I hope that no matter the situation you can get through it, but I hope this article I wrote can help you reach that goal a lot quicker.

