How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed

Sebastien Roy 🧢
2 min readOct 7, 2022


As people continue to have more and more work added to their schedule, they begin focusing more on work and less on other things they would do throughout the day, causing them to feel overwhelmed with their work. The best way to prevent yourself from feeling overwhelmed is to control how you take on your work so that you can get it all done in the best way possible. Being able to lay out all of your work in front of you and taking each task on one at a time would greatly decrease your anxiety and would allow you to get all your tasks done more efficiently. Depending on the work, you can even sort it so that you can complete the longest one first so that less time would be spent on the rest.

I myself struggled for the longest time organizing my work life and it left me with little time to do anything in my social life, leading me to develop anxiety over how overwhelmed I was with my workload. It was only after learning new planning strategies with my parents was I able to properly sort out my work and free up time for non-work related things in my life. All in all, being able to organize and clean your work style up will free you from your anxiety and give you more time for your interests.

