Talking about our problems with someone else is a form of therapy

Oscar Infanzon
The Daily Writing Habit
2 min readSep 11, 2022

How opening ourselves to express our feelings can help us improve our wellness

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At some point we all tend to close in on ourselves, and generally that happens when we are bad, or we are not happy. There are some moments in the life when our problems can overcome us, times when we don´t know how to deal with them or how to get rid of them.

Our mind in these situations closes and does not see the solution to what is happening to us, no matter how hard we try. In most cases we don´t have enough emotional experience to know how to act in each situation.

Receiving advice from someone who has experienced similar problems will make us change perspective on our problems, look at them from a different point. Give yourself that opportunity to change your point of view and maybe you will find the way to free yourself from certain worries. As you tell someone what is happening to you, you are, at the same time, developing your ability to reorganize the thoughts that weigh you down. You can listen to other perspectives of your problems and together you can evaluate the pros and cons of the situation. While you expose your problems clearly, you distance yourself from it to find a possible solution that you had not thought about until now.

When you are stuck in your thoughts remember that an extra pair of ears never hurts



Oscar Infanzon
The Daily Writing Habit

I am interested in being happy every day of my life, learning to deal with problems and facing them with the best of vibes.