Mufasa or Scar: You’re Gonna Play One of Them

Jarratt B.
The Damn Newsletter
3 min readMay 14, 2020

In the midst of a global pandemic, there are a few gems that shine through the darkest of caves…

  • Chipotle free delivery (which I really need to be a rewards member…I’m kicking myself for not signing up sooner)
  • The ability to work on It’s About Damn Time Podcast (coming later this month)
  • My Quarantined Conversations

Now the latter has inspired me in a lot of ways but none of them have inspired me more than talking to my sisters Jordan and Ari. They really keep me grounded and call me on my shit…which is not easy to do. Because I always have a rebuttal. It’s part of my charm.

Today’s conversation really hit me hard. Ari reminded me of a conversation we had a few months ago when she told me that…

“…in everyone’s life you’re gonna play Mufasa or Scar.”

It’s a statement that took me this long to really wrap my mind around. Wait, before I go further…do I need to bring everyone up to speed on who these two legendary Lion King characters are?

Mufasa and Scar

I’m Mufasa, right?.

I’ve always wanted to play the Mufasa role in everyone’s life. I’ve always wanted to be the hero. That Dude! But it doesn’t happen all the time. And honest to paraphrase another movie franchise…

So I have got to come to terms that I’m not gonna be the hero in every story. There are gonna be some people that will not revere me as one of the greatest friends, spouses, and dare I say it…lovers of the 21st Century. No matter what I do.

Damn! So I can’t be Mufasa?

*sigh* Honestly that’s a hard pill to swallow for me. I can think of at least 4 people off the top of my head that I want to reach out to make things right with right now. Maybe me contacting them will keep me from becoming Scar in their eyes. But I have to ask myself something. Am I attempting to be Mufasa for their benefit or my ego?

Truthfully it’s for my own ego. Their lives will go on. They will do extraordinary things. They will be Mufasas in their own right to many. So can I go so far as to keep things status quo with them to preserve how I see myself?

The answer is no. Especially when Jordan hit me with the single reason why I do it. (Yeah, they were double teaming me but it was needed.)

Jordan addressed the elephant in the room and said you want to be the good guy so I won’t end up being the Scar, the Darth Vader, the Victor Newman in my story…my dad.

Damn! Is that how he became Scar?

We all have origin stories. I mean I never heard his. What I can say is that I know people that in their mind always play the good guy even when they aren’t. It creates this delusion of grandeur and any action that individual does is seen by themselves as a noble act.

“I can’t maintain a consistent relationship with you because there were too many dragons to slay.”

“I cannot remember your birthday because I’m dealing with a lot.”

“The way you want me to be with you is impossible because I have so many friends that need my help.”

All of those examples paint a picture of someone who doesn’t need to apologize because they were doing things for the greater good. All things I have said in my life.

Well not anymore.

I now have to accept that I will be a hero in some people’s eyes and it’s important for me to always be that hero. Even if I slip up…just be honest but work hard to be Mufasa for them. Brooklyn, my mom, my sisters are among a few I need to be the good guy for.

Some of you others, I have to just realize that…I suck in your eyes and I always will be Scar. I’m extremely apologetic but I understand…

But those are just my thoughts…right or wrong…just what I was feeling at the time!!!



Jarratt B.
The Damn Newsletter

Mastermind behind Wordsmith Wizard. Witty Banter. Sultan of Subject Matter…and my Mom loves me…or so she says.