Jarratt B.
The Damn Newsletter
3 min readMar 27, 2019


Okay, from that Perspective…

It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to do this. Call it writer’s block or just being busy with other projects…but I couldn’t focus.

A trip home did wonders for my mood and my creativity. It’s easy to get back in the swing of things when you receive so much love from friends and family over this past weekend. I had an opportunity to catch up with some of my people that I haven’t spoken to in a while.

But thinking back I had a couple of conversations that really stuck with me. They really made me think. I guess I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me see the table.

While I was there, I spoke to person…uh, to protect this person’s identity…let’s call this person Heath. Wait, I don’t like the name…let’s call him Erik.

Erik is a person I’ve known for years and during our conversation, I was submerged in this person’s negativity. This individual has a lot going on in their life and couldn’t get passed it. I wanted to help. So, I listened and tried being supportive but it got to a point that I realized nothing I was going to say would resonate and be able to help this individual.

After about 10 minutes, I gave up. I felt like I was not being a good friend but I honestly didn’t know how to help him.

It wasn’t until I had conversations with Mike and Maya about the conversation that changed my perspective. In two separate conversation, these two told me that the individual was jealous of me. Allowed me to give you my initial reaction to their proclamation…


Why would anybody be jealous of my extra regular ass? It made no sense to me. Mike and Maya told me in so many words that some people peak early in life. They ride that wave until it dies out. They do nothing to keep the momentum going. So, when their run is over…it’s over.

These people see things that I do as impressive even if I don’t think much of things. This has always been a big problem for me. I hold myself to MY standards, not standards that others may have. So, what I see as just average…others may see more.

I guess Aubrey Graham said it best…


This verse speaks to me because I have spent a big part of my life trying to understand why people who I have loved has pulled away. I’ve always thought inward and concluded. that something I did caused the rift. What I didn’t do is look at things from there perspective. But honestly speaking sometimes people just grow apart. Or better yet, people drift apart because some refuse to grow.

I am not the same person I was 10 years ago…5 years ago…even 1 year ago. If I was, I wouldn’t be here to write this. I must grow and push forward to become the best version of me. But I get it. Some of us just aren’t ready to grow. Not ready to move on.

Growing is painful…you know, growing pains…get it? Anyone? Okay, fine.

Moving forward is hard. No one is ready to accept change. Hell, most times I’m not ready to accept change. But if you are willing to fight it out and…wait for it…

Make That Change, then the entire world will pass you by…

Or at least, I will…so catch up.

These are just my thoughts…right or wrong…just what I was feeling at the time!!!



Jarratt B.
The Damn Newsletter

Mastermind behind DaWholeDamnShow.com. Wordsmith Wizard. Witty Banter. Sultan of Subject Matter…and my Mom loves me…or so she says.