
Over the course of the last 100 years, the Earth’s climate has been steadily changing itself. Global temperatures are steadily rising, greenhouse emissions are as high as they have ever been, the weather is more frequently becoming unpredictable, along with many other affects on the climate.

This story will be talking about the many changes the climate has gone through, and some of the potential solutions to fight the climates changes. In particular I will be evaluating how the movement to alternative sources of transportation may eventually aid in lowering greenhouse emissions, and help to improve this issue. I hope that understanding the affect that gasoline powered cars have on the Earth will shine light on the issue and help make a push towards alternative sources instead.

This topic peaks my interest in particular because I at times will feel like I am not doing the world any favors when I have to constantly driving around in a gas powered car, and I feel like I am contributing towards a greater problem. I hope someday to own an electric car and hopefully can convince others to do the same. It think that there are also cost benefits to owning an electric car in the long term, so I believe that owning one is a win-win in regards to the environmental impact, plus in how much money one will have to spend.

One great push that is being made right now is by the United kingdom. As of now they plan to have all gas powered cars off of the road by the year 2030, which will help to heavily reduce the greenhouse emissions caused by these vehicles. How soon can other larger nations have a similar push for electric cars? How soon can we see the extinction of gas powered cars? And how much will having these cars off of the road actually contribute to the overall problem of greenhouse emissions?

I hope to be able to answer these important questions at the conclusion of this story, and to be able to bring some enlightenment to this issue.



Casey Coleman
The Danger of Earth’s Climate Changing

I am a third year student attending SUNY University at Buffalo. I am currently studying Business Administration.