Shock News: Actors Sometimes Pretend

Trigger Warning: Contains graphic descriptions of non-wokeness.

⭐ Robert Jameson
The Dark Arts of Genius


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash


Recently, I was shocked to discover that many actors have been participating in a sordid, inappropriate and wholly unacceptable practice.

Instead of simply acting, in the great American tradition, they’ve appeared in movies and on TV, pretending to be other people — people whose characteristics they don’t always entirely share.

Sometimes they wear make-up or even change their clothes to look more like the character they are seeking to impersonate. Sometimes they adopt a false accent. Sometimes they claim to have done things which, in truth, they’ve never done at all.

And perhaps most disturbingly of all, sometimes they express feelings which are not their own.

This appalling practice — which apparently originated in Europe — has been going on for decades, but has only recently come to light when suspicion was raised that some gay characters, in movies and on TV, had been portrayed by unscrupulous actors who were not themselves gay.

(Note: If you’re homosexual and pretending to be heterosexual, that’s absolutely fine, of course. I don’t know why. But apparently it is. And you’re homophobic if you think…

