The Dark Arts of Genius

A short book (and podcast) about unlocking our potential.

⭐ Robert Jameson
The Dark Arts of Genius


Artwork created by Brendan Smith. Thanks Brendan!

1. Introduction

Hello. Let me introduce myself: I’m Robert Jameson — and I’m interested in how we can make the world a better place by unlocking people’s potential for intelligent thinking.

In this short book, I’m going to be presenting some ideas about what I think are the key skills and capabilities at the heart of genius. More importantly, I’m going to be suggesting ways in which these skills and capabilities can be developed.

I’ve called this book, ‘The Dark Arts of Genius,’ because it deals with what, for many people, is the unmentionable, unacceptable, inappropriate and downright offensive subject of how some people are so much more intelligent than others. If you don’t want to take the risk of being offended, then this book is not for you.

In the next chapter, I’m going to be hitting you with the big one — the big secret of genius — a monumental, potentially life-changing revelation. But stay with me — don’t skip ahead — because…

