Protecting Yourself from a Psychopath

Knowledge is power and decisive action is the only way to protect yourself.


A shadow lurks opaquely beyond a thin wall.
Image by Civil via Envato

by: E.B. Johnson

Though psychopathy is not a recognized psychiatric disorder, it’s a very serious condition that can cause a lot of problems in the lives of sufferers (and those in their gravity). It’s a subtype of anti-social personality disorder, and one that afflicts about 1% of the general population. Understanding the psychopath takes digging deep into the roots of their experiences, and learning how to spot the signs of their negative behaviors. Not all psychopaths look like “Dexter”-esque serial killers. Some of them are lurking right on the edges of our closest relationships, requiring us to take a stand, set boundaries and protect ourselves in a number of ways.

What a psychopath looks like.

Learning how to spot the psychopaths in our lives is important for safeguarding our happiness. They can come in many different shapes and forms, however, and their traits can manifest in a number of subtle and undermining ways. The psychopath is someone that lacks conscience and empathy, but there are even sharper and more malicious edges to them too. When you identify the psychopath in your life you can protect yourself, but that often requires a hefty dose of…

