Why Sociopaths Pose Such a Serious Threat

Have you danced with the darkness? The sociopath is a personality type like no other…


by: E.B. Johnson

There are few personalities more subtle and dangerous than that of the sociopath. This antisocial personality type can at once appear charming and intimidating. Individuals who seem to possess little fear and a great deal of self-assurance, we readily make these people our lovers, our partners, and our leaders when we don’t see their behavior for what it really is. To the sociopath, you are a means to an end. Don’t be fooled by the mask that they wear. They’re not exciting. They’re incapable of true love and empathy for others.

What does a sociopath really look like?

Sociopathy is an antisocial personality disorder. It is complex, and it’s hard to accurately diagnose in the individuals who exhibit its dynamic traits. Different from the unpleasantness of the psychopath — the sociopath is a creature who can wear many masks. One moment, they can be the most gregarious and charming person in the room. But cross them? You could end up in the most dire of circumstances.

Sociopaths are not individuals who are capable of deep compassion and love, as we understand it. Instead, they see these ties…

