6 Months of Data

Kerry Benjamin
The Data Logs
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2016

A reflection of the half year mark

Hello everyone. Hope you have been well. Thank you for joining me for another monthly reflection. I must say I’m happy about making it to the half year point. I keep finding things in the field that inspires me to keep going. Here’s a snapshot of this month.

I finished my second official data science project based on Free Code Camp survey data. (Blog post coming soon) This is the second time I’ve worked with survey data and I’m starting to find them quite fun. Being able to use a bit of my marketing skills for this project was a neat bonus as well. That concluded activity 4 for the Data Science Learning club. Activity 4 involves taking some time to learn or brush up on math skills so I’m going to continue taking the I Heart Stats class on edX. I’ll share my thoughts when I finally complete it.

The biggest highlight of this month has been being accepted as a NASA Datanaut. This is a program that NASA (Yes the one with rockets) created to teach a group programming and data science skills to work with and solve challenges based on space and earth. We’ll be working in teams to solve monthly challenges from NASA as well as have our own special track to learn new skills! I was beyond excited to read the acceptance email and travel to DC for the offline kickoff event. I’ll be writing not only about the event but about the challenges and projects I’ll be tackling with my fellow Datanauts. This will be a year long of fun!

I also may or may not but working towards my first data science position. Keep checking the blog for updates. :)

This has been probably the best 6 months I’ve had in a while and I look forward to what I accomplish around December. Thank you all for remaining supportive in my journey. I hope that this remains a useful blog to you all as well as an entertaining one. Onward into August!

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Kerry Benjamin
The Data Logs

I'm a Connector, Opportunity Seeker, Learning Data Science and Supporter of STEAM education.