How to get Google Trends data using the Pytrends API

Mr. Data Science
The Data Science Publication


By Mr. Data Science


Throughout this article, I will:

  • Describe the Pytrends python library and the syntax you need to get Google Trends data
  • Demonstrate how to get google trends data using several examples

Background on Google Trends and the Pytrends library:

Google Trends is a Google owned website that analyzes search term popularity across various regions and languages. On the Google Trends site, you can see trending keywords, assess the popularity of specific search terms over different time periods, explore related keywords, and much more. I encourage you to check out their site if you’ve never been there before. Beware, you’ll likely go down a rabbit hole ;).

As a curious and innovative human being, you might be interested in tapping into this wonderful resource to make predictions or understand human behavior. The way you do that is using the Pytrends python library. Pytrends, according to the Pytrends PyPI page, is an unofficial Google Trends API that can be used to extract useful search information using a simple interface. Beware that, due to the unofficial API status, any changes to Google Trend’s backend could impact a users’ ability to use the library. Make sure Pytrends is still active and up to date when you read this article.

Setting up your Python environment:



Mr. Data Science
The Data Science Publication

I’m just a nerdy engineer that has decided to help people around the world learn about data science!