Let’s chat about Microsoft Purview’s new update 2024

Max Faivre
The DataGalaxy Digest
5 min readApr 15, 2024

Microsoft Purview has rolled out a popular new update buzzing with talk about AI enhancements and a renewed focus on smoothing business processes. This update is all about sprucing up the platform’s navigation and making sure it’s speaking the language of business professionals.

Before we get carried away, let’s take a moment to chat about whether these tweaks are hitting the mark, especially when it comes to some of the stickier points users have faced in the past.

When tech doesn’t play nice

One of the big conversations around Microsoft Purview has been its collaboration with non-Microsoft tools. We’re all about mixing and matching the best tools to get the job done, right? The thing is, for a data governance platform to really stand out, it needs to play well with others.

Despite the new bells and whistles, there’s a bit of head-scratching going on about whether Purview has gotten better at this. For businesses that love their diverse tech stack, this is something to keep an eye on.

Setting up shouldn’t be akin to solving a puzzle

Another point of discussion is Purview’s user-friendliness or lack thereof. Many of us have experienced the initial excitement of exploring a new tool, only to be bogged down by its complexity.

Effective data governance tools should simplify our work, not complicate it. If getting Purview set up feels like trying to assemble furniture without instructions, it might be time to consider some alternative solutions that are easier to use.

Pricing: The make-or-break

Now, onto the talk of the town: Pricing. Microsoft Purview’s pay-as-you-go model has raised a few eyebrows. While it offers flexibility, it also brings a bit of unpredictability to the table.

Everyone loves a good surprise, but not when it comes to their invoices. If keeping a tight rein on the budget is your jam, scouting out platforms with more predictable pricing structures might be worthwhile.

Microsoft Purview: Conviction or opportunity

In a recent Reddit discussion, a user shared an intriguing insight from a Microsoft sales rep, suggesting that Microsoft launched its data catalog tool, Microsoft Purview, primarily to compete in the rapidly growing market.

This perspective raises a thought-provoking question: Did Microsoft introduce Purview out of genuine conviction in its benefits, or was it merely seizing a market opportunity?

While it’s wise to take such second-hand comments with a pinch of salt, this viewpoint also invites us to consider whether Microsoft might not be fully dedicated to the tool’s development. It encourages us to reflect on whether Microsoft’s focus is truly on genuine innovation or predominantly on market competition.

Why not window shop for alternatives?

With the introduction of a free version of Microsoft Purview, there’s a silver lining. It’s a chance to take it for a test drive without commitment. However, if you find yourself feeling a bit lost or noticing that it’s not quite the right fit, remember that the world of data governance tools is vast and varied.

Sometimes, stepping out to explore what else is out there can lead you to a solution that works perfectly with your business needs.

Enter DataGalaxy: The right alternative

In the quest for the ideal data governance tool, DataGalaxy emerges as a star worth navigating by.

What sets DataGalaxy apart? For starters, its integration capabilities. Designed to play nicely with an extensive array of technologies, DataGalaxy ensures your data governance doesn’t skip a beat, no matter the tools your business relies on.

Ease-of-use is another field where DataGalaxy shines brightly — It’s all about making the complex simple, ensuring your journey from setup to full-scale data governance is as smooth as the Milky Way. When it comes to pricing, DataGalaxy believes in keeping things transparent and predictable, so there are no black holes in your budget.

Did you know that DataGalaxy won the 2024 spring awards for easiest data catalog to set-up, best meets requirements, and highest user adoption rate?

Wrapping up

The latest update from Microsoft Purview certainly brings something new to the table, but it’s also an opportunity to reflect on what your business really needs from a data governance platform.

Whether Purview’s new direction is a match made in heaven or leaves you wanting more, remember that exploring your options is always a good idea. In that exploration, DataGalaxy stands out as a guiding star, offering a harmonious blend of integration, simplicity, and clear pricing.

After all, finding the perfect fit for your business should feel like putting on your favorite pair of shoes: Comfortable, reliable, and just right.

With DataGalaxy, stepping into the future of data governance feels exactly like that.

