General Dunblade!

Should Aeralyx master this puppet?

The DDN Affairs
2 min readDec 26, 2013


General Dunblade in Occupied Ancient Temple. Take that!

So after a long debate and discussion with Sonneratia, Aeralyx decided to make her decision: to master the use of General Dunblade! It was not an easy choice, nor would it be an easy option to adapt to…

It began with the choice of optimising the potential of the skill tree, where the first set of skill tree revolved around the use of the Blade Dancer skills, which have an overall higher damage than the Spirit Dancer counterparts. So far, it has been satisfactory with impressive results. However, seeking improvement, Aeralyx began to look through the potential of General Dunblade and began pondering her thoughts.

In general, the use of a mastered Twinkle Spin EX (at level 11) produces approximately 1470% + 40630. This was in contrast to the unmastered version (at level 1), dealing 1053% + 1458. Given that her weapon mastery and equipments enhanced her attack power to 20,000, 334,630 is being compared to 212,058, which is approximately 57% more damage not including other buffs apart from Breeze Call Dance. Another comparison that can be taken into account is the mastery of Sweet Circle (at level 6), usually used without Breeze Call Dance, where the damage difference at 20,000 attack power is 22.46% (143109 vs 116860.5). However, when Twinkle Spin EX and Sweet Circle is unmastered, Aeralyx can then take General Dunblade into account, mastering it at level 10 (1788% + 38943) produces 396,543 damage. Put into numbers, when General Dunblade is mastered, the total damage from the 3 skills are 725,461.5 damage. On the other hand, if General Dunblade is ignored, total damage from the 2 skills are 477,739. Putting the numbers into perspective, the usage of a mastered General Dunblade will produce 51.85% more damage.

After crunching numbers, the decision was made. Aeralyx then goes into amnesia and wakes up… with new knowledge (and the loss of few gold to learn the skill).



The DDN Affairs

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