Protecting Parental Rights in Education: The Fight Against Ideological Indoctrination

Jennifer Bettelyoun
The Write Way
Published in
3 min readAug 25, 2024


Photo by Ben Wicks on Unsplash

In recent months, the debate over parental rights in education has reached a boiling point, as parents across the country push back against what they see as the ideological indoctrination of their children in public schools. From curriculum changes to controversial policies, the role of parents in shaping their children’s education has never been more under threat.

Across the United States, parents are increasingly concerned about the content being taught in classrooms. In particular, the introduction of Critical Race Theory (CRT), gender identity discussions for young children, and other progressive ideologies have sparked widespread outrage. Many parents feel that these topics are being introduced without their consent and, more importantly, without consideration of their values and beliefs.

School boards and administrators, however, have often dismissed these concerns, arguing that such curricula are essential for fostering a more inclusive and equitable society. This has led to heated school board meetings, where parents have voiced their opposition to what they see as a blatant attempt to undermine their role in their children’s upbringing.

Parental rights in education are foundational to the American system. Parents, not the state, have the primary responsibility for the upbringing and education of their children. This includes the right to know what their children are being taught and to have a say in the development of school curricula.

When schools bypass parental input, they not only disregard these rights but also risk alienating parents from the educational process. The relationship between parents and schools should be one of collaboration, not conflict. However, this partnership is only possible if schools respect the values and concerns of the families they serve

The introduction of ideologically charged content in schools has serious consequences. It risks dividing students along racial and ideological lines, fostering resentment rather than understanding. Moreover, by prioritizing certain viewpoints over others, schools are failing to provide a balanced education that encourages critical thinking and intellectual diversity.

Parents have a legitimate concern that such indoctrination could undermine their efforts to instill their own values and beliefs in their children. This is particularly troubling when it comes to issues of race and gender, where the views being promoted in classrooms often clash with the traditional or religious values held by many families.

In response to these concerns, parents are increasingly taking action. Across the country, we have seen a wave of parents running for school board positions, organizing protests, and even filing lawsuits to protect their rights. This movement is a powerful reminder that parents are not willing to cede control over their children’s education to bureaucrats and activists.

Legislation aimed at protecting parental rights in education is also gaining traction. Several states have introduced bills that would require schools to provide more transparency about their curricula and give parents greater control over what their children are taught. These efforts are crucial to ensuring that education remains a partnership between schools and families, rather than a tool for ideological indoctrination.

Protecting parental rights in education is not just about opposing specific curricula; it’s about reaffirming the fundamental principle that parents are the primary educators of their children. Schools should be places of learning and growth, not arenas for ideological battles.

Going forward, it is essential that parents remain vigilant and engaged in their children’s education. By demanding transparency, accountability, and respect for their rights, parents can ensure that schools remain true to their mission of providing a balanced and well-rounded education.

The fight for parental rights in education is far from over, but it is a fight worth having. For the sake of our children and the future of our nation, we must stand firm in defending the values and freedoms that make America great.



Jennifer Bettelyoun
The Write Way

Full-time freelance writer with a passion for evoking emotion in my audience through words on a page. Connecting with people is what I love most about writing.