Three Quotes That Will Change Your Life

Jennifer Bettelyoun
The Write Way
Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2023


Photo by Tamara Gore on Unsplash

There is something about a good quote that I am an absolute sucker for. When I come across a quote that resonates with me, I write it down in my journal, and I often find myself referring back to it for inspiration. Quotes have the remarkable power to inspire, motivate, and provide profound insights into the human experience. In just a few words, they can encapsulate wisdom and perspective that can transform the way we think and live our lives. There are more quotes than I can count that have given me inspiration in one way or another, but there are some that stand out more than others. The following three quotes have the power to change your life and I’m going to tell you why!

  1. “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” — Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc., is renowned for his innovation and creativity. This quote speaks to the importance of passion in our lives. When we truly love what we do, work doesn’t feel like a burden; it becomes a fulfilling and enjoyable endeavor. This quote encourages us to find our passion and pursue it relentlessly. It reminds us that greatness is achievable when fueled by love and dedication.

Why it matters:

Living a life driven by passion not only enhances our professional achievements but also enriches our personal satisfaction and well-being. It pushes us to strive for excellence and make a meaningful impact on the world. If you have no interest in the task at hand, your work will be less than perfect.

2. “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”— Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a champion of civil rights and equality. This quote highlights the importance of standing up for what is right and just. It reminds us that our silence in the face of injustice can be just as harmful as the actions of those perpetrating it. It encourages us to be courageous in our convictions and to support our friends and loved ones when they need us the most.

Why it matters:

This quote underscores the significance of our relationships and the impact of our actions on the lives of others. It reminds us that our moral compass should guide our decisions and that our voices can be powerful instruments of change. Change cannot come about through silence. You were given a voice for a reason, so be sure to use it.

3. “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” — Oscar Wilde

This quote by Oscar Wilde is a timeless reminder of the value of authenticity. In a world where societal pressures often push us to conform and fit in, Wilde’s words encourage us to embrace our individuality. When you try to be someone you’re not, you deny the world the unique qualities and perspectives that only you possess.

Why it matters:

This quote inspires you to be true to yourself, to celebrate your quirks and differences, and to recognize that your authenticity is your greatest asset. It reminds us that being genuine and unapologetically ourselves is the key to finding genuine happiness and forging meaningful connections with others.

Quotes have a unique ability to inspire, and these three quotes offer invaluable life lessons. Steve Jobs teaches us the importance of passion in our pursuits, Martin Luther King Jr. reminds us of the significance of speaking out against injustice and the importance of using our voices, and Oscar Wilde offers the advice to be yourself, original and authentic. Do not spend your life trying to be like someone else, rather spend it trying to figure out who you are. Once you figure that out, embrace it and love who you are! These quotes have the potential to change your life by guiding you toward a more passionate, just, and authentic way of living. Remember these words, internalize their wisdom, and let them guide you on your journey towards a better and more fulfilling life. Write them down, stick them up on your refrigerator or bathroom mirror. Put them in your view to serve as a reminder of their wisdom!



Jennifer Bettelyoun
The Write Way

Full-time freelance writer with a passion for evoking emotion in my audience through words on a page. Connecting with people is what I love most about writing.