Chhatris: Reminders of Mortality and Legacy

The Mortuary Monuments of Rajasthan

Ajay Sharma
The Death Reader
Published in
3 min readNov 22, 2023


Mandore cenotaphs, Jodhpur
Mandore cenotaphs, Jodhpur

Chhatris stand not merely as structures, but as storytellers.

The Rajputana region, now parts of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, witnessed an era where honor was preserved beyond death, and remembrance was etched in stone.

The royal cenotaphs, with their imposing presence, embody the narrative of a civilization rich in tradition, and artistry.

Some of the most impressive and awe-inspiring examples of mortuary monuments, these cenotaphs were built to commemorate the lives of Rajput kings, queens, and other nobles, and they often feature intricate carvings, sculptures, and paintings.

How did the chattris, with their ethereal beauty, evolve from their early incarnations to the masterpieces that now punctuate the Indian landscape?

It was not merely an artistic journey but a societal transformation that mirrored the changing tides of power, belief, and the eternal human quest to transcend mortality.

Within the folds of this transformation lay a tapestry of political upheavals, invasions, and the indomitable spirit of the Rajputs — the warrior class whose…



Ajay Sharma
The Death Reader

Reader, Writer, Researcher | Media Professional | Interested in Existentialism, Death & Dying, History, Anthropology, Arts, Music & Digital Futures