42: Working with a school for Cyber Superheros

Decentralized Education Nexus
2 min readJul 18, 2018

Imagine a secret school where future superheros congregate to learn the basics of crime fighting and slowly realize their full potential. That is the feeling you get every time you walk through the nondescript front doors of 42 Silicon Valley. For over 6 months, The DEN has been attempting to keep their brilliant students on the cutting edge while running free workshops on Blockchain, Ethereum, Solidity smart contracts, and more.

42 Silicon Valley is the US-based campus of French Billionare Xavier Niel’s effort to reshape the modern education system. Students at the school learn computer programming tuition-free in a project-based environment. All of that work is collaborative as well, which creates a team-first mentality that prepares them to be effective in a real workplace. When The DEN got invited to run workshops for their students, we were excited to be able to work with an organization that mirrors many of the same views on the future of education as we do.

Each monthly workshop is designed to bring 42’s students further into the decentralized ecosystem of Ethereum. They catch on extremely quickly, which has allowed us to pull some of our more advanced content from our Blockchain Professional Developer Bootcamp into their workshops. By the end of the day, people are deploying their own smart contracts, sending their own custom cryptocurrencies back and forth with their friends, and exploring their own ideas using Solidity code. They also give students the chance to get their questions about the Blockchain ecosystem answered and to hang out with people interested in doing innovative things with the technology.

Through the amazing experiences and friendships we’ve developed while at 42, we were also able to offer a select group of Blockchain enthusiasts the opportunity to take part in our weeklong Developer Bootcamp. Their presence, feedback, and the results they were able to achieve proved invaluable to everyone involved. We want to give a special thanks and shout-out to Jamie, Josh, Elliot, David, Kevin, and all of the other great people we’ve had a chance to meet while working with 42. Here’s to many more workshops and collaborations (and maybe a hackathon or two!) in the near future!

Want learn more about 42 and the awesome programs they run in Fremont and abroad? Visit their website at www.42.us.org for more information!

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Decentralized Education Nexus

Blockchain career accelerator for engineers & entrepreneurs in SF & LA. We provide an immersive part/ full-time specialization built on industry research.