Need Help Simplifying Your Life?

A collection of articles and resources that will help you begin simplifying your life and stay the course through stress and overwhelm.

Mary Gallagher
The Decluttered Soul


Me enjoying life instead of managing stuff. -author’s photo

Hi, I’m Mary and I love to simplify my life so I have time for the things that I love to do, the things that really matter, and the things that leave me fulfilled and rested instead of stressed and exhausted.

It’s likely you’ve fallen into the same patterns and habits that nearly destroyed my health, my peace of mind, and my relationships.

Running from activity to activity, in constant pursuit of more or better. Neglecting your health to care for others or reach an unattainable milestone. Never saying “no” so you could earn more money or the approval of someone you thought mattered.

Do you also feel like pleasing God or finding God or drawing closer to God is just one more thing on your never-ending To-Do list? Is church just another burden on your already failing and pain-burdened shoulders?

This isn’t the way you have to live. My story is not unique but my recovery from burnout is. Too many women never gain control over their lives long enough to make lasting changes that bring them serenity and rest.



Mary Gallagher
The Decluttered Soul

I cut the stress, slowed down, and learned the art of intentional living. When you declutter your soul, you make room for what matters. @The Decluttered Soul