Humility is the Beginning of Understanding

Bruce Greggory Peck
The Deeper Things
Published in
1 min readApr 29, 2019

An opinion is the point in time at which you decide you have nothing more to learn about a subject. It is when you shift energy from acquiring truth to defending it.

Most of us have no shortage of opinion, we have a shortage of truth.

Opinions about self, God, life, politics, habits, fears, insecurities, all need a regular house cleaning so we can open ourselves up to greater truth.

A good starting point for finding unhelpful opinions is asking yourself, “What opinions do I hold that I believe excuse me from living as good as I know I could?”

For example, many people believe that their political opinions excuse them from being kind. Others think that their opinion that they are not disciplined excuses them from making poor health decisions. And still more allow their belief that God doesn’t love them keep them from the love of God.

In all these cases, if we put in some elbow grease to find what is true instead of defending or repeating what we know, we might be pleasantly surprised to find there is more for us to learn.

And in reality, there is so much more for us to learn.

In a sentence: Humility is the beginning of understanding, pride is the end.

