Why I am Writing this Blog

Bruce Greggory Peck
The Deeper Things
Published in
2 min readMay 19, 2019

The road I’ve taken in life is strange, hard, and something I would highly recommend.

I spent two years knocking on doors and telling people about Jesus Christ. Why? Because I love the gospel.

I spent five years in college, learning how to build a tech company. Why? Because I love trying to change the world.

I’ve spent the majority my Saturday nights in empty rooms drawing plans on whiteboards. Why? Because I love the act of creation.

In short, I have done what I loved. But there have been massive drawbacks and sacrifices I’ve had to make, the reality has been and continues to be harsh.

So to gain inspiration and perspective, I look to people who have done great things to glean patterns, insights, and principles. People like: Steve Jobs, Joesph Smith, Nick Saban, Richard G. Scott, Seneca, Rumi, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Napolean Bonaparte, Walt Disney, Rockefeller, The Beatles, Coldplay, Lucille Ball and on and on.

What I am looking for is simple: How can I maximize the good I do with my own life?

Each of these people represents an idea, a truth that they lived their life for. None of them were perfect, in fact, many of them seem more flawed than the average person, but they embody ideas bigger than themselves, and were able to leverage their desires for that idea to improve the lives of millions.

Now that’s pretty cool isn’t it?

I want to share with you what I am learning as I explore these people’s lives. My hope is two-fold:

  1. To cross-examine information from various sources to gain insights that are actionable and fresh
  2. Create a dialogue about maximizing the goodness we can do with our lives, rather than a traditional conversation around ‘success’

That’s basically it.

