How I could earn $3.500 per month from Crypto, but choose not to

Mr. G
The DeFi Sewer
Published in
12 min readSep 8, 2022


Right as I hit publish for this article, I could be making $3500 in passive income from crypto DeFi projects. This is a fair bit of money for me, and would make life more enjoyable. However, I choose not to. Why? Read on.

For a Brighter Future made with DALL-E by Mr.G

I first started my crypto journey back in January 2021. I had been crypto-curious for many years, and intrigued by blockchain technology. When first entering the sea of crypto, I still felt like a baby floundering in unchartered waters. My first foray was into the world of Binance, where I simply bought and sold tokens. The profits were not immense, but at least averaged significantly more than what my bank could offer on my savings account. I gradually expanded my horizon, and dived both into GameFi (been an avid gamer since the late 80s, and up until life and kids all of a sudden swallowed what spare time I had), NFTs and future trading.

While the bull market was strong I made profits on future trades that went straight to my head. With some quick calculations on the returns I was seeing, I saw myself becoming rich in the span of months. Granted that my average continued as it had. That future mirage became so powerful that I threw what little sense and knowledge I had to the wind. I didn’t take profits. I kept reinvesting. The numbers kept increasing, and I was oh-so confident in my…



Mr. G
The DeFi Sewer

Social anthropologist, robot-developer, blockchain enthusiast.