Ooze finance: What does the oozing future hold?

Stephen Lim
The DeFi Sewer
Published in
3 min readSep 4, 2022

Honestly when i first stepped into ooze (https://dapp.ooze.finance/), it was scary. When Ooze came out, it was a time where most of the defi projects were facing a hit. To name a few, Splassive, drip, piston the popular few were facing price drops with no bottom to be found. On top of that, a ROI project that i was in was rugged. What changed my mind then?

  1. FTM chain

Just like me, Ooze stepped out of its comfort zone. They started on FTM chain knowing that its not the most popular chain and that it might not attract the most sales. However, the thought behind that is the cost of the gas fees are way cheaper than popular chains like binance. It takes around 1c for me to compound/claim as compared to binance 30–40c per project. To top it off, We are coming to spookyswap!

Dev_raf even told us that everything was done early but because its our money they are shifting over, they need to handle it with care thus a slight delay (very acceptable in my opinion compared to most projects). I like careful but not overly careful (too long delays)


2. Expansion to multichain

Heeding the voices of its investors, the ooze team has decided to expand it to first BSC chain. Now this might not sound like a lot but it is important for their future roadmap and well thoughout since it opens up more “payment” gateways.

3. Booster packs! (coming soon)

Yes i love pokemon, my NFT is even named whosethatpokemon? An illustration when a rare NFT comes out in the booster packs

1 of the more exciting things i am looking forward to Ooze. I started trading at an early age (trading cards games like Yu Gi Oh and warcraft). Booster packs will make things more interesting and bring utilities like more exp,team bonus, enhancing your NFTs etc. to the gameify experience. The one thing that got me into Ooze, the various NFT designs at really affordable costs can now be enhanced!

4. An Oozing social platform (Coming soon)

Ooze live specials!

Many projects use NFTs that as memberships to their projects. Exclusive membership tiers like $500 cashback, trading tips etc. if you hold their NFTS. Now Ooze is planning to take this to the next level! Imagine being able to build a platform on top of another. That is what Ooze is trying to do where multiple content creators/project owners can buy a house NFT to host exclusive contents, host AMAs, sell mechandise.

What Ooze is trying to do is transform its platfrom to be an interactive NFT social platform! that is why you see chain expansions and wallet to wallet communication (chat features). Now we just sponsored a beatbox competition, imagine if some of the beatboxers host paid contents on ooze! I`ll sub to an ooze only fans NFT ;)

To summarize, if your looking for an adventure in a gameify more than NFT ROI platform come join us! Well, things can be rocky but what i can assure you is that we have a team that will ride things out together and by that i dont mean a team that wants your referral. But a team who loves to chills and talk smack about projects. We don`t promote much projects, just the ones we feel will make it in the defi space.

Shout out to Team passive, feel free to join us in the link below:

I wont be dropping my Ooze NFT team link because i am really writing this article for the thrill of it and for some reason, my brain keeps bugging me to write it. Hope this article helps!

Signing off,


