Ooze Your Way To Financial Freedom

Complete Digital Toolbox
The DeFi Sewer
Published in
6 min readSep 1, 2022

Chapter 5: “Defi School of Hard Knocks”

This medium channel is all about my journey in the world of decentralized finance. If you want to start from the start, please begin with chapter one. The posts are short reads and won’t take long to get caught up to speed with my journey and experience in the arena.

Ooze Finance Interactive City Map

The next Defi project I want to share my experience about is the awesome Ooze Finance… a new protocol using a really cool gaming theme and NFT’s to hold the powerful Ooze tokens. Using Ooze to mint an NFT complete with it’s own traits and rarities, one can put their crypto to work with a starting daily return of 1%. ( I was at the credit union today and the yield offered for up to $4999 was an annual return of .7%….). And, the daily ROI can be increased to 2% by staking the Ooze LP… called slime, and by building a team of disciples… more on this aspect below.

Granted, one is FDIC insured and the other can be compared to a Wells Fargo wagon crossing the Sierra Nevada's… LOL. But you have to admit, that’s quite a contrast. As of this writing, the token has been emitting these awesome returns daily for well over 2 months. And, there is definitely more strength and confidence building with the ecosystem than doubt and skepticism.

The token was released in pre-launch with a value of $1 and reached an all time high of just about $5.50. Currently the value sits at about $2.65

There is quite a bit of excitement… and a move up and to the right is anticipated shortly with a new partnership. A SpookySwap listing is coming soon, and a multi-chain bridge will be activated at the same time… both of which are huge deals in the defi crypto space. There’s no reason to believe this one won’t be around for the long run.

Making Defi Fun Again

On to my experience with the Ooze finance D’app…

I was educated enough at this point to know how advantageous getting in on the presale of these d’apps is. Most presales require being whitelisted. This typically requires some type of interaction with the developers prior to launch such as interacting with their social media. Much of this takes place on twitter, Telegram, and Discord. After getting involved with drip and the other previous d’apps I joined, I found myself in a sort of help group on Telegram for ‘lost souls of defi’ (for lack of a better description) that will answer questions, and not scam your wallet, like so many other groups are susceptible to.

Anyway, this is where I learned about Ooze finance and getting whitelisted. And, is ultimately where I did get a whitelist position, and participated in the presale.

How did that work out you may be thinking? Well, 6x on my initial investment in 30 days is how it worked out. That was when the token reached $5.50 and I had been compounding for 1 month. I am currently at about 4x and have been taking a little of my initial investment out to boot. Needless to say, I am learning and growing in the Defi space.

One of my NFT’s…. Making Defi Fun Again

Ooze’s motto is “Making Defi Fun Again”. I personally think it fits the vibe for the protocol. It’s structured like an old video game from the 80’s and really is pretty fun to get into the site and all it’s functionalities. There are a lot of moving parts, all of which I won’t be sharing here because it’s super easy to head over there and explore for yourself. ( Don’t want to take any of the fun out of it for you!!) Ha…

That said, I will share some info about the “Order of Slime”. This is a part of the game that rewards you for spreading the good word about the game and inviting new players. I happen to be in the order of slime and will provide you a username at the end of the article here to use as your “Guru” if and when you decide to partake.

Everyone must have a guru if they wish to participate. When you join under a guru, you become their disciple in the game. They in turn for sharing with you will receive a portion of the fees that you pay to deposit and compound. It’s a large part of what makes the system function and be sustainable for everyone. Regardless of when they join.

Once you become someone's disciple, you are also able to become a guru by sharing and referring a new player. It’s that simple.

I say simple, but there is lot to digest and a lot of moving parts. I will share a strategy I’m using to accomplish 2 things before I go, and then you can find my “Guru” username and link to the website below. Once you have read the doc’s in the training section, you’ll be fully up to speed on the lingo and jargon.

Lots of players are using this strategy. I learned about it in the Ooze telegram group.

  1. Buy an NFT ( as little as $15–$20 ) and use as your guru. Mint additional NFT’s under your first original one to build a team of disciples and earn extra Ooze in the process. Name it whatever you like. This will be the permanent name of the NFT… even if you sell it.

… and here is the 2nd strategy I want to share:

2. I always struggle with what to buy for my kids and grandkids for birthdays & Christmas etc. I’m really bad with picking gifts. So now, I’ve minted each of them an NFT as one of my disciples, and put it on auto-compound. When a birthday or occasion to gift comes up… I just drop some Ooze in their NFT and build for their future. It’s works out great for me and they are free to do what they please with the NFT. They can sell it in the marketplace, or they can claim a few bucks every week and keep compounding, or they can claim it all out, .8% a day until it’s empty. (so far my kin has chosen to compound and build into something life changing…. SMART!! NFT’s reach max payout at 50k tokens) They get their wisdom from me!! LOL

So, if I’ve sparked your interest, all you have to do is head over to https://dapp.ooze.finance and find the “training section on the map of the city. It will only take you a few minutes to begin to understand the philosophy surrounding the game and how to play.

Once you have internalized how things work and have made a decision to play, mint yourself an NFT and use @Slimey Beotch (with caps and space) as your guru. Feel free to leave a comment or ask a question here. You can also get all your questions addressed at the Ooze finance telegram group. https://t.me/oozefinance

I have set the kickback to 75% (max)… and I would love to have you as a disciple on my team.

Thanks for reading, and if so inclined, give a clap or two, follow, and subscribe if you would like to continue following my Oozy journey to financial freedom in the defi space!



Ooze Website: https://dapp.ooze.finance

Guru: @Slimey Beotch (Caps and Space sensitive)

Telegram: https://t.me/oozefinance



Complete Digital Toolbox
The DeFi Sewer

Trump Supporter, Online Marketer, Crypto Enthusiast, and Networking online to create passive incomes from anywhere in the world.