Oozesome week in the world of Ooze Finance

The DeFi Sewer
Published in
5 min readSep 12, 2022


One of the many cool aspects of Ooze Finance is that the Devs constantly overdeliver. The user interface has been continuously updated almost every week to make it always more easy and fun for new comers to join the staking protocol. But this time, we are not talking little improvements here and there, the last update is the very first of its kind in the passive income space.

This time the Devs have literally torn down all barriers to entry for new investors!

Remember that Ooze Finance is on Fantom, which, whilst it is by far one of the very lowest cost gas fees blockchain out there with massive user growth and TVL, remains nevertheless somewhat under the radar screen for many in the Defi Space. I remember at launch that the most common drawback raised by new comers was that they didn’t have any assets on Fantom and did not want to bother starting investing on a new chain with all the hassle of needing to bridge assets across chains. So much for that hassle, the Dev team solved that in one stroke of genius.

From now on you can join us on this adventure to make Defi fun again with almost any main cryptocurrency you hold across pretty much any chain. You can buy Ooze and create your passive income earning stackable NFT directly on Ooze Finance. Not joking, it is really that easy!

You connect to the Manhole here, suppose you are connected with your Metamask on Binance Smart Chain, you simply choose BSC as below:

Once you have chosen a network, BSC in this example, you simply then choose whatever Cryptocurrency you own from the long list provided below:

There are dozens of different cryptocurrencies available to choose from, many of which I have not even heard of.

And…. Well, that’s all in fact. There is nothing else to do! You have just transformed whatever token you had from whatever chain it was on into Ooze with those two steps!

Now in the background your token was converted into USDC, bridged onto Fantom chain and then the USDC was swapped against Ooze.

But that’s not all… Really not.

The Devs have provided very little information on this but they are launching a new application called walletgram.

They are really secretive about it but I managed to gather some alpha from them on Telegram. walletgram is going to be the first utility of Ooze Finance using their new technology where you can use NFT’s as passwords for content as well as pay content creators instantly right on the blockchain (think OnlyFans or Patreon but on the blockchain).

What is fantastic for Ooze investors is that the revenue from this new application will be used to buy Ooze, creating recurring buying pressure. They apparently already have a few Youtubers and influencers already in talks to use walletgram.

As a quick reminder to get started, Ooze is a passive income earning stakable asset where each deposit is tied to a unique NFT that is transferable and even sellable. It compounds at 1% per day but the NFT can be upgraded to compound at up to 2% daily. You can compound, sell your deposit (NFT), build teams, it’s simply just the very best of all similar passive income projects out there. Most importantly, it’s also the project where sustainability has been given the most thought. Here is a quick summary of Ooze but you can find a more detailed overview reading this medium article.

As stated in my previous articles, I started my very first team building effort in Ooze finance and decided to write my very first medium article because I was amazed by the quality of communication of the team and their incredible dedication. Since then, and every day that goes by, I just get more excited and thank myself to have trusted my gut feeling.

If you want to join us on what is expected to be an incredible journey, I have built a team called “The Order Of The Apes”. I dare to say we probably have one of the best spirited teams out there. We cover all time zones and we even have the honour of having JCCrypto come in quite often to help out and answer questions from fellow team members. Team building is really easy with Ooze finance and the NFT aspect makes it really worth it and will significantly increase your own returns (really worth the effort!).

Another reason to join us, is that I am not seeking to build my team anymore (except through specific timely contests for the benefit of the project) and will mainly focus on helping build yours. I had promised that from the very start and I am doing that again by sharing the referral of one my team members at the end of this article. I will be doing so every time I write a short update about Ooze Finance.

Our team gives 75% kickbacks (the maximum allowed and it’s immutable), that’s as if we were airdropping back to you 75% of all taxes we receive, how cool is that?

Ask any question you may have in our Telegram group The Order Of Apes and to get 75% kickbacks, use this referral from Tom Courageous, one of my team members. Tom Courageous is a long time team member, eager to building his own team. Please use his referral link below (JUST CLICK ON THE IMAGE):

There are many more team members eager to build their own teams and more than ready to help you build yours if you wish so come and check us out on Telegram.

We are all really looking forward to meeting you and will answer any questions you may have!!

Nothing in this article is to be construed as investment advice. Neither the author nor the publication takes any responsibility or liability for any investments, profits or losses you may incur as a result of this information. The article may contain affiliate links.

