Restoration: Restore-A-Nation

Crypto J
The DeFi Sewer
Published in
5 min readSep 20, 2022

My journey into Oozelandia, the Crypto Currency World that rewards its Citizens

A few weeks ago, I was told about a crypto currency coin that was new to the market, and that by acquiring it, I could possibility make lots of money.

The Ooze coin purportedly was the ticket to Oozelandia, a virtual world where its citizens could mint their own income generating NFT’s, build community by joining with gurus and disciples, and communicate seamlessly inside Dojos with other like-minded participants using cutting edge internal apps. All of this was for a shared purpose –that is to make money. But I discovered so much more!

Welcome to Oozelandia

I was skeptical about Oozelandia at first. And quite frankly, I was uninterested. Although I love the world of crypto currency and know it’s a game changer for society as we know it (more on that topic another time), I was discouraged, disappointed, and burnt out on all things crypto. A few centralized companies that I had invested in had been “rug pulled”, a term that literally means they pull the rug out from under you and basically steal your money, and I was wary of investing any more time, money or resources in another risky venture.

But out of respect for my friend who shared, I attended a virtual zoom where I met my now mentor. With passion, precision, and clarity he went deep into the safety and security aspects of Oozelandia that not only made me take another look at this platform, but also gave me the standard and criteria to evaluate all crypto projects moving forward.

Three Questions to Ask of Every Project

Here are the three questions I now know to ask:

  1. Is the project DeFi, aka decentralized finance?
  2. Is the contract audited and verified by an independent third party?
  3. Are the developers KYC’d?

I will go into a deep dive about what each of these criteria mean in a following article. Here are the highlights and why they are important to know.

Oozelandia is on a DeFi platform, also known as Decentralized Finance. It leverages blockchain networks, technology and smart contracts to connect users directly, without having a centralized third party in the middle of transactions. Removing intermediaries not only improves security, but it also significantly speeds up the process, while at the same time drastically reduces costs of doing business.

Photo by Sasun Bughdaryan on Unsplash

Also, Oozelandia’s smart contracts have been audited and verified by Prisma Shield, an independent company that conducted a deep logic audit on Ooze Token’s smart contracts. Its findings, as well as the clean record for the Ooze platform are available for all to see, share, and review.

Prisma Shield Deep Logic Report of Ooze Finance

Finally, Oozelandia’s developers have been KYC’s (know your customer) through Obsidian Shield, an independent verification company. Obsidian Shield has obtained and verified the identities of all the developers and will release that info to authorities if needed. All these things provide another layer of security and safety for this project.

Obsidian Shield Ooze Finance Awardee

With the satisfaction of these 3 safety and security questions, that I will now ask in all my future projects, I had the tools needed to take a deeper look into the world of Oozelandia.

The tokenomics (how a user makes money) allows anyone to become a “citizen” of Oozelandia by minting his or her own NFT. This NFT is loaded with lots of utility and opens the door to interacting in the virtual world of Oozelandia. Right out the door, every Oozer (what we affectionately call the participants) begins earning 1% daily interest on its NFT. In addition, by interacting in the platform, the utility of the NFT including the daily ROI, speed, strength and stealth can quickly grow.

Growing quickly within Oozelandia has been my personal experience. By interacting in this dynamic virtual world through minting NFTs, re-compounding (called topping up), gifting others with airdrops, withdrawing (called draining) and staking, I am now making 2% per day! I’ve also increased my “strength”, giving me higher times my return, and “stealth”, lowering my fees. All of these things equal a sustainable long-term return for my investment.


However, what really got my attention and gave me pause was something beyond the incredible growth of wealth possibilities.

It is the family, friends and community I’ve had the pleasure of meeting, getting to know, and growing with within the world of Oozelandia!

Here I’ve found a real sense of belonging, community and shared vision. Within Oozelandia are real people behind the NFTs who are passionate, generous and available. I have met so many people virtually who have taken the time to assist me and others at the ready. We share profound insights, both teach and learn from each other, and share a growing passion for making the world a better place.

Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

Thus, my true reward has been more than I expected or anticipated. I am looking forward to continue growing as new utility functions come online, and more people join the Oozelandia family. I have truly been inspired by the whole experience.

If you want to join the Oozelandia family and make 1–2% passive income daily while joining a vibrant community, consider minting your first or new NFTs under my referral code: @CryptoTreasures. You can copy and paste for access. You can also send me an email at with any questions or ask to be added to our private FB Group. Follow me on twitter @CryptoJLife999. See you soon!

By Crypto J

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Crypto J
The DeFi Sewer

I enjoy all things food, travel and crypto! Let’s be friends.