This is why you should be Oozing!

The DeFi Sewer
Published in
4 min readSep 1, 2022

Do you know Ooze Finance already? If you don’t, read this walkthrough.
Are you in? I’m here to tell why you should be.

Ooze is a gamified passive income ROI dapp, where your deposits are attached to upgradable cool retro art NFTs.

It’s the first project ever to use this mechanism. This allows the investors to cash out at their will (by listing and selling it on the NFTs marketplace). It also allow others to search for good deals, and buy NFTs with everything that was built in.

Ooze NFTs.

The project was built to be sustainable, and have long term potential growth. Deposits on NFT’s are limited to the maximum balance growth of 8–12X. After that, can be extended by adding new deposits, and/or by claiming and redepositing your Ooze. Also, every NFT has a max payout of 50,000 ooze.

Ooze incentivize adding liquidity, on the Swamp there are 2 pools for slime staking (Slime is the name for Ooze/USDC LP), The Disciple Rewards pool, wich allow NFTs to receive rewards from downlines, and the Earn XP pool, wich yield XP based on the size of your LP staked.

And guess what? Staking slime also pays yield. A share of the tax for staking/unstaking slime goes to a reward pool that is distributed for the stakers.

The Swamp.

NFTs selling also helps sustainability, every time an NFT is sold, 5% (paid by the seller) of its value goes back to the contract. Ooze is currently the second best selling collection on Paintswap, between 1216. The total volume of sales is today, close to 300,000 FTM.

Ooze on Paintswap.

Now the (HUGE) news, and why this is about to get even better.

Ooze is currently on FTM and running on its own DEX only, but very soon, on september 9th, will be listed (added liquidity) on SpookySwap, wich is the first and largest decentralised exchange on the Fantom network.

Spooky listing will bring a lot of exposure to ooze, allowing to scan and analyze using various tools including real-time price charts, and trading history. Also by allowing to be listed on CMC, Gecko, screeners and others.

SpookySwap Market share.

A multi bridge buy inside the UI is being built, so everyone will be able to buy Ooze using currency from BSC, ETH, Polygon, Avax, directly on the Manhole (Ooze’s internal swap). Buying with tokens from other chains, will give not only Ooze tokens, but FTM to pay for gas fees in the system. Ooze is the first to offer this, too.

Multi bridge.

I left the best for last, UTILITY!

Everyday in defi we read a lot of “what’s the utility for this project?” Well, earning 1–2% a day of my deposits for itself its a utility for me, but Ooze is much more than that. I also have a lot of fun doing it on Ooze.

There is a wallet to wallet chat being developed by the team, it will allow defi users to have their secure chat, inside Dapp, communicate with their team and other users, streaming, there are so many other possiblities for it.
If you’re used to Telegram and Discord, you know how full of scammers and bots they are, and how annoying and dangerous this is.

This utility will be white labeled and sold to other projects, and its revenue will feed Ooze contract and investors. YES, external source of income to the protocol! All powered by Ooze!
Another amazing unprecedented feature. How HUGE this can be? Only time will tell, I’m building my position.

Rocket emojis!

Now if you decided to join Ooze, you can use my referral, for MAX kickback and team building assist, click here, buy Ooze on the Manhole, and mint your NFT on the Sewer. Welcome to Tio’s.

You can also give some claps if you like what you read. I appreciate it.

I’m @CryptoTio on Ooze my NFT id is 01xd (29) , you can find me on TG and Twitter. I’m BULLISH! See you in the next one.

Nothing in this article is to be construed as investment advice. Neither the author nor the publication takes any responsibility or liability for any investments, profits or losses you may incur as a result of this information. The article may contain affiliate links. ALWAYS DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!

