A message to 2020

Laura Bailey
The Definite Article
1 min readNov 30, 2020

by Emily Copeland — Friday, 20 November 2020

Vita Kogan’s class wrote poetry to learn how rhymes work, and they turned out to be really great, so here we share the three highest-voted poems (voted by the class members). This one is by Emily Copeland, ‘A message to 2020’.

2020 what a mess you are

You seemed so perfect but that idea is far from far

We counted down the minutes till you arrived

Yet all we were faced with was the need to survive

2020 if only we knew what you had planned to do

Maybe things would change but that’s only down to you

Holidays, travel, pubs and bars

Seems only like a distant dream of ours

However 2020 you gave us something we never would expect

The idea of living without hugs does seem to wreck

Perhaps we will now appreciate what we had

For once its all gone it does feel so sad

2020 please leave us with at least a flicker of light

For one day we will live in hope that this was all just a fright

