The Degree Diary Submission Guidelines

How to Become a Writer for The Degree Diary Pub 2023

Anjola A.
The Degree Diary
4 min readJul 10, 2023


Hi there and thank you for your interest in being a part of The Degree Diary.

Chances are you heard about The Degree Diary from other media such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and so on.

But if this is your first time hearing about it then I may as well tell you what The Degree Diary is all about.

The Degree Diary… What’s it all about?

As the name implies, The Degree Diary is a collection (diary) of stories, articles, listicles, and blogs written by college students with the sole aim of helping other college students navigate the college experience (the journey of bagging their degree) with ease.

Our goal is to create a platform where college students can give back to the college community by coming up with diverse articles that provide insights, tips, lessons, and stories that could be valuable to all college students around the world.

I want to write for The Degree Diary, but what do I write about?

Don’t sweat it.

You see that’s the beauty of The Degree Diary. We are not interested in professors or field experts or anything as such.

We’re more interested in the voices of college students like you. Someone who is currently experiencing the journey of getting a college degree and is willing to talk about some things they’ve picked up along the way that could help other students alike.

At first, college seems like a place where we just ‘get a degree’ but there’s a whole lot more to get while trying to get a degree, so The Degree Diary aims at helping college students not miss out on all the other aspects of the journey.

College is where people get a degree, yes, but also where people make meaningful connections, identify who they really are, prepare for the real world outside the walls of the classroom, prepare for their career, and so on.

So if you’re having a hard time figuring out what to write about, some ideas are study tips, self-growth tips, general life lessons, hostel tips, people management tips, leadership talks, money management tips, exam preparation tips, productivity tips, extracurricular activities, career tips, some of the helpful things you do that other student could learn from, the right way to do certain things that are usually done wrong, some mistakes you made and how you fixed it, course/ major -specific topics, relationship tips, and so on.

You’re very welcome to be creative with this and explore topics that are not talked about enough.

Hmm, The Degree Diary Pub… is it right for me?

I want to scream a big ‘YESSSS! YES, IT IS!” but I won’t because, in the end, it’s only up to you to decide if this is right for you.

Instead, what I’d do is let you on the juicy part of being a writer for The Degree Diary.

  1. The Degree Diary is a verified LinkedIn organization, so you can add this experience to your LinkedIn page to stand out.
  2. The Degree Diary NewsLetter as of July 2023 has almost 600 subscribers and counting, so your writing gets to reach a more high-quality audience.
  3. Your writing gets professional edits and feedback so you can improve your writing skills while giving back to the college community.
  4. Your article or blog is still 100% yours, it’s just going to be shown to our audience.
  5. The Degree Diary is a new but fast-growing Medium Pub, so your submissions will be hastily and easily accepted considering you meet all of our requirements below.

What does it take to be a writer for The Degree Diary?

  1. Being a college student at the time you apply to be a writer for the pub is a must.
  2. You need to be genuinely passionate about giving back to the college community above all other things.
  3. You need to be able to come up with engaging articles tailored to college students.
  4. Your writing has to be good to a certain extent. Your submissions will still be edited but we expect you to be able to at least write clearly, with minimal errors, and enough white space.

Okay, I can do that… how do I submit an article to The Degree Diary Pub?

If you want to submit a draft to the Degree Diary, follow the steps below:

Note that you may need a desktop/ laptop to submit articles to publications at this time

  • Click on the 3 dots beside the ‘publish’ button
  • Click on ‘Add to publication’
  • Choose ‘The Degree Diary’
  • Click on ‘Select and continue’
  • The ‘publish’ button changes to ‘submit’
  • Click on ‘submit’

The Degree Diary editors will receive your submissions and ensure it’s up to standard before publishing them in the publication.

It usually takes up to a week for your article to appear in the publication, depending on the volume/ length of submissions.

If you want to be added as a writer to The Degree Diary publication, leave a comment on this article with your Medium username and some related topics of your interest.

Example comment:

username: @lifewjola

Topics: self-growth, growth mindset, productivity, study tips

Thank you for reading, if you found this interesting, you may leave some claps and follow The Degree Diary publication for more updates.

If you have further questions, please ask them in the comments.



Anjola A.
The Degree Diary

From Anjola to you.🧸 My place to share ideas, lessons, and stories I never want to forget. You can reach me here