Expanded Knowing Of God Is Synonymous With Expanded Prosperity

The more you open up to the Divine, the more prosperous you will become UNLESS you allow your old ways of seeing the world to colour your ever-expanding consciousness.


You are here on planet earth to enjoy being here on planet earth.


There is no test.


There are no lessons to learn.


There is no judgement waiting for you at death’s door.


You can choose to wait for the next life/heaven/paradise to finally allow yourself to enjoy your existence but KNOW THAT you are CHOOSING to do that, it is not a prerequisite of holiness or closeness to the Divine.


These are ideas that I would have been horrified to state out loud a few years ago because I would have considered myself evil for even thinking them.


And yet, here I am, sitting with the Divine, hearing Him speak these words to me.


Words that kinda seem too good to be true if I compare them to all that I was conditioned to believe by family, media and religion.


Thankfully, I have set myself free from going along with the old ways.




I invite you to sit with that statement.


It is so critical that we, spiritual people with a huge vision, take the time to refine our beliefs in these days of so much fear-mongering.


You need to know your true source of prosperity or else, you will be pulled from pillar to post by all the fears being dished out in the physical reality at this time.


You need to know this to the core of your being.


Your spirituality needs to be REAL, in these days, my love.


So, I will keep this short.


Write the statement down…




Notice the doubts, fears, limiting ideas that seem so true.


Notice them as they bubble up and CHOOSE to clear them.


Choose to be a clear channel for prosperity and unconditional love.


Choose to be messenger in this world as you yourself expand into greater happiness and prosperity.


And come into the ABUNDANCE LIBRARY.


Come rewire your mind and heart for increased happiness and prosperity.


Come and go deeper into knowing the Divine without all the false dogma and weird traditions that you have been conditioned to believe.


Come leave behind the pain and limiting ideas of the past.


Come rise victorious in your true design.


Start your membership now at https://mibusiness.lpages.co/the-abundance-library/


Much Amazing Love



Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister
The Deliberate Millionaire

Thrive, Prosper & Make 6 Figures In Your True Design - The Free, Fulfilled, Financially-Abundant, Love-Drenched Life Is Your True Design & Your Divine Right!