You Cannot Focus On What You Don’t Want & Get What You Do Want, You Know?!

If you choose it, you can have it…

If you choose money, fame, love, you can have it…

Nothing, no one keeps anything away from you…

This is the simple truth.

Will you accept it?

Will you see that NO ONE takes anything from you?

Will you see that you are not prevented from achieving every single thing that you want to achieve?

The only thing in your way is… You guessed it… YOU!

You, with all the focus on all the things you do not have yet..

You, with all the fears and self doubts…

You, with all the waiting on the voice from the heavens…

You, You, You.

Me. Me. ME!

Achieving GREAT BIG things, the things that you dream of, the money, the wealth, the impact, EVERYTHING is fairly straightforward and simple…

And then humans get involved…

Yes, you got involved and you made it complicated…

And you are not alone in that. Oh NO! I have added my fair share of complication to my own life and I still do!



Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister
The Deliberate Millionaire

Thrive, Prosper & Make 6 Figures In Your True Design - The Free, Fulfilled, Financially-Abundant, Love-Drenched Life Is Your True Design & Your Divine Right!