Your True Power To Create A Life you Adore, Is Within

Your true power is within.

But most people think that their only power is based in how hard they work and how long they work for (some even think that the amount of pain they go through will determine how worthy they are for the good life)

And when they realise that they have hit a ceiling in working hard, they tell themselves the story that this is as good as life can get.

And they give up, distract themselves and just wait to die


You sense there is an unlimitedness to you and you sense that there is so much more available to you.

But it seems impossible and too ‘magical thinking’ to believe that your true power lies in things like thoughts, feelings, connection to the Divine, imagination, left/right brain alignment etc.

Of course, this does not take away the need to DO.

The DOing can become a joyful part of life on this planet, if you would stop thinking that you HAVE TO do whatever you HAVE TO do to get by and to keep everyone & God, happy.

There is a better way to live.

There really is.

Oh honey, your mindset really does need rewiring.



Rosemary Nonny Knight - The Money Minister
The Deliberate Millionaire

Thrive, Prosper & Make 6 Figures In Your True Design - The Free, Fulfilled, Financially-Abundant, Love-Drenched Life Is Your True Design & Your Divine Right!