What and How

Matt Collins
Digital Democracy
Published in
1 min readJul 12, 2020

Most of this blog will focus on the “What” and “How” technology will affect healthcare. There is an extensive and growing portfolio of technologies that have and will alter how care is given, how patients interact with their providers, and even how research & development is pursued, so my goal is to hone in on some of these advancements to provide a succinct summary of their benefits (and potential pitfalls) to the healthcare community. Some technologies like AR/VR, genome sequencing, and 3D printing, while no-doubt amazing and future-shifting, are not going to be the core part of my vision for the blog (although we may touch on it). There are just too many advancements happening at any given time within healthcare and medical research to effectively provide insights into all of them. So, with this in mind, my core focus will be specifically around Digital Health-tech and how data can influence the Quadruple Aim:

  1. Enhancing the patient experience
  2. Improving population health
  3. Reducing costs
  4. Improving the work-life of health care providers

This has been where my experiences have laid, so that is where I will provide my own context and thoughts. Besides, I think we will have plenty enough to talk about just with that subsection of health-tech, but there will certainly be some overlap in some areas as well (genomics and AI, for example). Next up, I will give a high-level overview of how AI is influencing workflows and operations within healthcare.

