Meet the team: Luke Gerassimou

The DeNovocastrians 2020
2 min readSep 23, 2020

Introducing Luke, student member of the DeNovocastrians iGEM team.

Luke ready for lab work! (Photo credit: Cate Mackay)

Luke is completing his final semester of a Bachelor of Biotechnology. He chose this degree as it complemented his love of science and helping people. Once the spark for science had ignited, the fire of continuously learning lead him to study biotechnology and later join The University of Newcastle's iGEM team.

“I study biotechnology to hopefully utilise naturally occurring phenomenon to benefit society and make people’s lives better.” — Luke Gerassimou

Luke and friends holding up a crocodile barricade to collect eggs for breeding programs.

When asked as why he participates in the iGEM competition, Luke said, “I joined because I see the potential benefits this research could have on the environment and public health. This strongly aligns with my beliefs. I see iGEM as a great opportunity to learn scientific practices whilst also gaining skills working within a team environment”. Luke’s role in the project is to develop a biosensor to detect benzene in the environment, and the rate at which it is degraded.

Luke’s travels to Africa teaching english at the local schools.

A fun fact about Luke is that when he isn’t studying, he is organising his next trip across the border. Some of his travel highlights include South Africa, Swaziland, Thailand, Vanuatu and New Zealand. Throughout his degree and travels, Luke noticed the effect science can have on peoples live’s and the many areas where it is yet to be implemented.

Through studying science and participating in iGEM, Luke aims to influence widespread positive change in people’s lives around the world.

“I hope to spend the rest of my life experiencing new cultures and supporting prosperity through science.” — Luke Gerassimou

