How to Pitch your Local Newspaper

Julia Guimaraes Rocha
The Dependent Scholars
1 min readFeb 7, 2021


When pitching to a newspaper, it is a good idea to do as much research as you can about the publication. For example, familiarize yourself with their audience demographic, topic coverage, writing style, and so on and so forth. Doing this kind of research will help you develop a better sense of what this newspaper is like and how it may align with your ideas.

For Kirkland Reporter, you could pitch to them by either going to the “Contact us” tab where you will see a template for a message or you can go to the “About us” page where you will see the staff contact information. From there, you can chose to either personally reach out to someone such as Andy Hobbs, the editorial director, or you can send a general message. Having both of these options allow for you to address a particular idea to a specific staff member or just a general message to the publication.

Illustration: Polygraphus/Getty Images of a light bulb. Published on NY MAG Intelligencer. Link:

