Once Upon a Fairytale

Deanne Cirez
A Desabafo
Published in
6 min readOct 24, 2020


It all started with an agreement to go on a blind date with my best friends cousin. I agreed to placate her — to get her off my back, really — so she wouldn’t worry about me becoming a cat lady…

Once Upon a Fairytale: Cat lady to mounting blond sexy stud, 2 seconds flat
La Mar Cebicheria Peruana


This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to actual persons/and or events is purely coincidental — The Main Character — and narrator — Elizabeth Snow (AKA Liz), is a shy 27 year old living in San Francisco.

It All Started with A Blind Date

I picked out my most comfortable option and wore a light blue silk t-shirt and some black dress slacks with black high heels. I don’t wear much jewelry so with a dab of make up and some little gold earrings I was all set for my blind date.

I had had a tough day at work but I was too curious about the night ahead to not go ahead with it. This was out of my normal behavior and for once I was excited about what was to come.

The Über was right on time. As he pulled up in front of my apt I did a double check in the hallway mirror and with a nod of approval I slipped on a sweater, grabbed my purse and headed out into the cool evening.

The cool breeze in the air was just enough to feel fall was setting in fast. Fall was my favorite season. From the vibrant colors all around, the sound of leaves crinkling under your feet, the cool down from the sultry hot weather and one of my favorites, the return of spiced pumpkin lattes.

The Butterflies Start

Pulling up to La Mar Cebicheria Peruana¹ I felt a rush of excitement mixed with curiosity of the unknown.

The electrified buzz in the air as people were coming and going. Some holding hands. Some laughing so hard you have no choice but feel their happiness and a few stealing a few precious kisses like there is no one else in the world.

This was out of my ballpark so after giving myself the ‘you got this girl’ talk I pulled up my big girl panties and took that big step inside. It was pleasure I felt when I saw Eric. I didn’t know what to expect when Francine set me up with her cousin. Eric, who was in town for a job interview.

He was a tall man. His golden blond hair was long with the bro ‘fro happening. His sparkling blue eyes were twinkling with the light shining in them. He was wearing a well fitted suit with no tie. The top buttons of his shirt were open inviting to touch. “Mommy likes what she sees…Yummy!!!”

“Hi, I’m Eric” he said as he greeted me and gave me a peck on the cheek.

Was this a prank? I looked around but saw no one I knew or noticed any suspicious activity showing I was being filmed. There must be something going on. Girls like me don’t be seen with men like this.

“I’m Elizabeth but my friends call me Liz” I replied back inhaling his scent.

I don’t recognize the aroma but its screaming sex in my nostrils. I’m turning into a babbling idiot.

“Get yourself together Liz” I muttered to myself so low that no one can hear except me.

The interior of the restaurant was dark with candles glowing on the tables giving just enough light to provide a seductive and calm atmosphere in the room. Our table was in the corner with the perfect view of the San Francisco Bay.

The waiter came to get our drink orders and tell us about the specials of the day. Eric ordered a bottle of 2006 Malbec Blend, Cheval Des Andes, without asking my opinion. I’m not much of a wine drinker but I nodded my head like I knew what he was talking about.

I ordered Salmon La Mer. Grilled wild salmon, shrimp, seasonal vegetables, mushrooms and aji panca. Eric ordered Picante de conchas², or Conchitas Picantes. Grilled diver scallops in aji Amarillo sauce served over black lentil tacu-tacu³ and chalaca, collard greens. With a menu like this I was looking forward to dessert.

Can You Say Awkward!!!

“So I hear you like a man who is tall, blond and sexy. Do I measure up?” Eric asked in his sultry husky voice.

“Oh my God I’m going to kill Francine,” I thought to myself, utterly horrified.

For what feels like forever I don’t know what to say. I just stared into his piercing blue eyes, mouth gaping, looking like the cat who swallowed the canary.

But before I get a word out he chuckles. “You should see your face” he chided.

“My apologies. Francine put me up to it. She thought it would be the best conversation breaker of all time.” Hardy har-har, Francine.

Slowly letting out the breath I was holding, I made a mental note to strangle Francine as soon as I saw her.

The Love Connector

Francine, the girl who I loved like a sister, came into my life my first year of college. She was my dorm room-mate. We were both shy and awkward at the time we met but before we knew it we were sharing not only each others food but our life long goals and dreams.

We became inseparable after that first year. I loved her dearly and she was going to pay for this.

Swallowing a huge gulp of wine I replied, “You definitely have ticked off my first few boxes. Now, let us see how many more you can check off?” Let Francine ponder over that one.

The amusement along with the flickering of the candles made his eyes look like they were dancing. I could get lost in his state. It’s like he can see past my face and look at my soul.

After The Ice Breaker

Over dinner we made small talk. Eric was in town for a job interview he had earlier in the day with Morrision & Foerster LLP (also known as MOFO). If it all worked out it would mean a move to San Francisco.

If it all panned out that would have him live closer to me and the chance of this going further brought pleasure to me. I feel like jumping up and down yelling “YIPPEE”. Thank goodness I shut the MoFo up!

Small Talk

We talk about Francine. I tell him how we meet and became inseparable. I’m sure he had already heard the story from her but he listened intently and gave me his undivided attention.

He shared some of his childhood with me. Both him and Francine being an only child brought them close more like siblings then cousins.

Taking my time enjoying dinner and his company. I was surprised to find that I wanted to know more about this intriguing man. I only agreed on this date to please Francine. I’ve never been much of a out going person let alone agree to a blind date.

I found myself not wanting the night to end as we were finishing dessert and emptying the second bottle of wine.

It’s early on a Friday night and my flight don’t leave until Sunday. How about we take a walk along the pier?” Eric asked as if he was reading my thoughts.

I hear there’s a Jazz & Blues Bar called ‘The Saloon’ that’s supposed to be good”.

“And if I get real lucky we could end up in the ‘Make-Out Room’” he said chuckling again this time with a wink.

The way he said ‘Make-Out Room’ was meant more like a innuendo instead of referring to another bar. I liked it.

“I’m all yours,” I replied. Giving what I thought to be my most earnest look.

Settling the bill Eric, like a true gentleman, pulls my sweater over my shoulders and with a polite bow extends his hand and says,

“After you my lady.”

Taking his hand and imagining the possibilities this night held, I whispered, “Lead the way, my dear sir…”

Stay tuned to see how the night ends….

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Deanne Cirez
A Desabafo

Writer | Mother | Wife | Entrepreneur. I write about life, love and the day to day struggles to keep things real.