Once Upon A Fairytale (Chapter 3)

Deanne Cirez
A Desabafo
Published in
19 min readNov 11, 2020


Liz and Eric are unaware of the life happening around them. The only thing that exist is each other. Will their romance last the night? Liz has already fallen and is in it. Will Eric be along for the ride?

San Francisco Pier 8
San Francisco Pier 39


This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to actual persons/and or events is purely coincidental — The Main Character — and narrator — Elizabeth Snow (AKA Liz), is a shy 27 year old living in San Francisco…

That Was Not What I expected

The car stopped abruptly in front of my apartment. We were interrupted by the driver coughing to let us know we are at my house. The gnawing feeling in my stomach came back but my libido was screaming at me. Jump him right here, right now, driver be dammed. But once again my subconscious kicks in and I have to forcefully beat her ass down.

Meet me inside,” I whisper in his ear before I could change my mind. With a quick lick of my tongue over his parting lips, I get out ahead leaving him to pay the driver. In doing so giving him the full view of my behind.

Swaying my hips to the tune in my mind, I turned to see what is taking Eric so long. He was walking towards me but the cab was still sitting there. This is a WTF (what the fuck) moment.

I don’t want to scare you off”… he said gently.

“I feel we have the possibility of something more happening and I don’t want to ruin it"…

Am I hearing him right? Oh my God. I totally read him wrong all night. It was all in my head. He’s not into me. How could I be so obtuse?

I knew better. Things like this don’t happen to girls like me. The self doubt comes crashing down and I wish the side walk would swallow me up. He may as well be giving the “It’s not you, it’s me” speech.

Elizabeth look at me," he said using my full name. Pleading and demanding at the same time.

Please don’t take this the wrong way. I really do want to get to know you before we take the next step. There’s so much that I think you should know about me.”

Not knowing what to say or do I nod my head as I fumble for my keys. To hide my disappointment and embarrassment, I turn my back to him wanting to get inside. Wanting to get away from him.

Turning my head in his strong but gentle hands he kissed both my cheeks then planted a soft gentle kiss on my lips.

I really do want to get to know you"… he said again but this time with a more urgent plea in his voice.

There’s nothing I want more then to be inside you right now but I have something that I need to do now that’s urgent and can’t wait"…

I will be back tomorrow for our pizza lunch date and I will tell you more about me. You can then decide if you want me around.” He asked this like a question with urgency in his voice.

What the hell is going on here? One minute I’m getting the brush off and the next he’s telling me he’s taking me for lunch. He wants to get to know me. I’m getting whiplash trying to keep up.

He has things to tell me about himself… I get that feeling in my stomach that something isn’t right. I feel something bad is coming my way and I am not going to like it.

Not knowing how to reply I simply nod my head and tell him to “Meet me at Tommaso’s Ristorante Italiano 1130 tomorrow”

I don’t want him coming here to my home. If I change my mind he can dine alone. I need to figure out what this is, to adjust to the changes that just happened. I need to figure out why the fire went out as fast as it started.

As he turned and walked away, I notice him looking at his cell phone again. He didn’t see me but I saw the change in his face as he replied to whoever was on the other end. The carefree look he carried all night was replaced with a more serious businesslike look. What could be so important this late at night?

My imagination gets the better of me while I pour myself a glass of wine. Turning the water on to fill the tub distracts me for a moment while I go through my collection of bubble baths and bath salts.

Curiosity Killed The Cat

After pouring lavender scented bubble bath into the warm running water and lighting candles, I lower my body into the water waiting for it to finish filling up to blanket me. Laying back with my glass of wine my mind wanders.

What just happened? I know I’m not very experienced but I’m sure he was into me. He couldn’t wait to get me back here and in a New York Minute he went cold.

It couldn’t have been work or could it?

Maybe he has a girlfriend?

Maybe he just did this to tolerate Francine as I did!

Looking at the time it was too late to call Francine. She would be getting a hell of a early wake up call.

Okay Liz, get your butt out of here and get to bed”. “You will need to be alert tomorrow and you don’t look good with bags under your eyes.”

I wonder does everyone talk to themselves as much as I do. Wrapping myself in my old cashmere blanket that once was my mothers , I say a little prayer and wished that she was here to help me figure this out.

Go Away Let A Girl Sleep

We were running along the beach flying a kite when I tripped and scrapped my knee. Daddy was carrying me to the beach house and I can hear my mother rushing to keep up with him. “Let Daddy see pumpkin” (that was his name for me when he knew I was hurting).

It was just a scratch and nothing to have to ruin our day over. My mom gave me the exasperated ‘I know look’. The look that said “it’s nothing to worry about honey. Just let him do his thing because we both know he worries too much.”

Hearing a buzzing noise that was waking me from my dream was annoying. Covering my head I drift back to a period of time when life was simpler.

This time I went back to a time when I was 6 or 7. My dad didn’t treat me like the little princess that I was most of the time. Today he had my ears covered with sound proof ear muffs , gloves and sporting old jeans and a t-shirt.

I was getting my hands dirty. I was going to learn how to mow the lawn. I could barely reach the handles but I mowed that bitch without looking back. We were just setting down to our well deserved ice cream. It was covered in chocolate and I was about to take my first bite when the weird buzzing started again…


Sleep deprived and angry as I was, I get up and throw on my house coat. I pity the person who would be on the other side of the door. Opening the door and staring me right in the face is freshly showered, shaved and dressed Eric. Staring at the clock it was only 8am. It’s too dam early for a guest call on a Saturday morning.

What the hell was his game? I didn’t invite him over this early. Presumptive much? Pushing his way past me and putting two steaming cups of what I presume to be Star Bucks coffee on the kitchen table, he turn to me with a smile that lit up the room.

Good Morning Liz, you look beautiful and charming this morning” was what he had the audacity to say after waking me up from my much needed sleep.

Grunting out a good morning to him I turn away to go relieve myself in the bathroom. I stomp by him without so much a glance his way.

I don’t know if I should be elated or appalled. Maybe I should be looking for something to defend myself with. With a shake of my head I shrug off the notion of him being a murderer. If that’s what he was here for I would be dead.

Looking in the mirror made me cringe. My hair looked like there where rats living in it and I wondered if the odour I smelled was my breathe. It could also be my pits or a combination of both. On the plus side my face looked good. I guess wearing minimal make up my whole life was the reason for that.

“Thanks Mom” I mentally say to myself smiling as I hear her in my mind. “Now Lizzie, tread lightly with this boy out there”. “Remember not all boys who look like trouble are’… then she would go off on the not so innocent story of how her and dad hooked up. Making a mental note to call and catch up with them this weekend , I opened the bathroom door ready to read Eric the riot act.

Again I was left with my mouth gaping open seeing him and Francine chatting over coffee. Making themselves at home making breakfast in MY kitchen. When did she get here?

Make Yourselves at home” was all I muttered as I passed by them on the way to my bedroom to get dressed. I couldn’t stop myself from slamming my bedroom door.

The audacity to come into my home uninvited. How dare they!!!! Then just as I expected a tiny tap on my bedroom door was Francine letting me know she was coming in wanted of not. She sits on my bed and just looks at me. She knows me well enough to not say anything yet.

Looking through my drawers I find a matching pale blue bra and underwear. It never occurred to me until this moment that if this was any other day, I wouldn’t care if anything matched.

Looking over at Francine I decide to get it over with and let her off the hook.

You may as well say it Francine.”

“You think I’m going to look awful in this outfit”. I had picked out a short maxi dress that I thought would show off my legs.

Come on, out with it Francine.” I demand throwing my hands up in the air as l fell back onto the bed.

“I’m sorry Liz, I should have been more forth coming about Eric. He’s my cousin and I know he may be off at times. He’s that way with all off us but...”

She pauses a moment before continuing. “If you get past his quirks you will never find a man more devoted. I was hopping he would last a night without doing something weird. He called me and told me how he left last night. He also told me that he is totally into you…”

“I know there is no other woman in his life and we all thought he was gay to be honest. Listening to the way he talks about you I now know that’s not true. I truly believe that if you get the chance to know him like we do, warts and all, you will love him too…”

“Ah Francine my life was okay, lonely, but I was doing okay. Why did I agree to this. The worst is I feel something for him already. But I also think there’s more beneath the surface and that is what makes me pause…”

Finishing our conversation while shaving my legs I put on my short floral maxi dress and a pair of flat sandals. With Francine I head out to face Eric with my mind made up to give it a try. Who am I kidding? Honestly even without her talk I was convinced there was something there. Something more for us.

Feed Me as in FEED ME

Liz I am so sorry. Something came up last and I should have told you right away but I didn’t. I know I came across as a schmuck but believe me. I am into you.”

“I don’t know what this is but I know it’s real. It’s not what I was expecting and I only did it to get Francine off my back. If you allow me today I will try and show you that before I leave tomorrow. We are meant to be…”

Wow all this spoken without Francine interrupting once…

So what are we eating?” I figure this is the best way to let him know I am willing to give it another go. It’s not like I have a few men sitting in the corner waiting. The thing he doesn’t know yet, is that we are doing it my way this time and I going finish what we started.

Rules be damned. If I go to bed with him tonight it will be because I wanted too. I grin to myself because I just finished shaving my legs and after my lengthy soak last night, its game on.

After a good hearty breakfast complete with bacon, eggs and French toast complimented with mimosa’s, I remind Francine about the baby shower she was invited too this afternoon. She got the hint. Giving me her ‘I know what your up to look’ she made her hasty goodbyes by giving us both hugs with promises to catch up later.

Lay It On The Line

Idly, I make myself look busy putting things back that were moved during breakfast. It’s too early to bring up lunch and the last thing I want to talk about is food. I can sense him trying to find a way to ‘break the ice’’. To start a conversation. I decide to make it easy for him.

Did you feel what I felt last night? Was it just me because I felt a connection. I haven’t figured out what yet but it was more then just wanting to get laid”.

“Before you answer I am going to give it to you straight”. In the cab over here I was ready to lay myself bare to you, give you everything I have in me and I thought you were there too”

Holding up my hand for him to not talk, I continue.

In that minute getting out of that cab something change. I know this is new to me but I was certain that you were with me the whole way.”

So let’s cut the bullshit. Is there someone else? I can forgive almost anything but I won’t do this to another person. I’m not perfect but I won’t be a part of that. For me it’s all or nothing

Cards played…

I played all my cards and I left the deck in his corner waiting for his move.

Time is ticking slowly but I don’t speak. I’ve laid it all out. If he has nothing to say then I can carry on about my day knowing how wrong I was. Also knowing at this early stage I would get over it. While I wait I sit on the chaise by the window and watch the different emotions crossing his face. I sit and give him time.

Watching a bird flying to her nest I almost missed when Eric rose and sat close to me.

“I’m a complicated man. My job can be demanding and there will be things I can’t share or tell you.”

There will be times that I will be gone for periods of time. It will seem like I have a secret life and in a way I guess I do.”

“I did and I do feel what you felt. There’s something here between us. I don’t know what it is and it scares the hell out of me.”

“Now, I just told you a little about myself but before you say anything or ask me to leave please let me finish”.

“As I said I am a complicated man. There are many things I may never be able to tell you. That’s the nature of what I do. My family including Francine all think I’m weird and quirky but that’s the me they need to know.”

Quite honestly I never thought I would find a woman to make me feel the way you do to be even having this conversation.”

“I can tell you there is no other woman nor will there be any other woman in my life except you. If you allow me the chance you will see that there is no other woman in this world I would want. I am an all or nothing guy. I’m leaving this all with you.”

You can be assured that I will never to do anything to hurt you and I will always have your best interest at heart.You can go on this ride with me to see where our journey goes or I can leave and get on that plane and you will never have to see me again. I place the cards back in your corner.”

Cards ‘LAID’

Are you angry with me?”

“Do you want me to go” he asks, his voice gentle and nervous.

No… unless you want to go” I whisper. Oh no … I don’t want you to ever leave.

I like having you here and your leaving tomorrow. It seems like such a short time”

Come,” he mutters.

“I know this is presumptive but we are going to make every moment we have feel like forever. I’m going to make love to you, now.

That’s if you want to, if you are feeling the way I do, I don’t want to push my luck”…

“I really want to make love to you”. Taking his hand I lead him to my bedroom. Whispering a silent prayer that my bed is made and everything is in its place.

His eyes are bright, intense…. excited. I put my hand in his and he pulls me up into his arms. I can feel the length of his body against mine. I can feel the fuzz of his chest hair from his open shirt against the top of my cleavage that is showing above my dress. “Please Liz, let me make love to you” he asks as he tugs at my lips begging me to answer.

“Yes.” I whisper, I know that's why I brought him into my bedroom. His smile is triumphant as removes the jacket he was wearing and places it across the chair sitting in the corner. He looks so good in his pink linen shirt and jeans. How could I have missed that he was bare foot.

Are you on the pill” What? There’s a mood changer. Shaking my head no in disappointment, he removes a packet of condoms from his wallet and we are back for the count.

Under Practised and Over Skilled

Its been quite a few years for me so I hope I am not coming off as awkward as I feel… these were the last coherent thoughts to cross my mind for awhile.

Sitting on the bed fully dressed, I am about ready to combust just watching Eric walking around the room. He stands in front of me staring into the depths of me with his confident sexy eyes. I am sure he can hear my heart pounding through my chest.

“Lets get this dress off, shall we?” he says while he takes hold of the sleeves and lifts it over my head. Leaving me with nothing but my pale blue lace bra and panties on.

Oh Liz, you have the most beautiful skin I have seen. I want to kiss every inch of you…”

He cascades kisses all over my body. Starting at my belly , up my side, around my shoulders, over the top of my breasts that are protruding from my bra that I am still wearing and up my neck. He pulls my hair out of my hair tie and lets my blond hair fall all over my face and rest at the top of my cleavage.

I love blonds” he whispers as both of his hands are in my hair grasping each side of my head as his tongue and lips are forcing mine open. I moan as my tongue meets his. I lose a few minutes in which I can’t remember. His arms are around me squeezing tightly and he moves one hand down over my butt an squeezes me gently. He holds me next to his hips and I can feel his erection which he is trying to push into me through our clothes.

I moan again into his mouth barely able to contain all the hormones that are surging through me. I want him inside me so bad, Grabbing his upper arms I feel how muscular and strong he is. From there I grab his hair and tug. Letting him know I want more.

He eases me towards the bed and I sigh thinking this is finally it when he drops to his knees and starts running his tongue around my naval. Does he think he’s going down there??? I am not prepare for that, that’s not on my wish list.

He kisses across my belly and is moving down as I groan. I grab his hair and try to tug him back up but to no avail I feel my panties pushed down my legs and he kisses the inside of my thigh, butterfly kisses up and over my mound. I have never been one to landscape and suddenly I am embarrassed.

He trails kisses and gentle nips back up my belly, dipping his tongue again in my navel as he heads up towards my breasts. Which by the way are still covered in my bra. In his haste to get a mouth full he pushed them up over the wire and dam it’s hot, His hot breath, the sucking and way he was pleasuring me with his hands has me almost over the edge.

At eye level with me again. I pull his face to mine and kiss him with not just my body but my soul. He was waking up things in my body that I never knew existed. Opening my eyes and looking into his, I saw the same thing. I could see his soul looking into me. Reading his mind I said “make love to me".

When he spread my legs after putting a condom on he looked me in the eyes and devoured my tongue with his mouth as he slowly drove his hard cock in my body. As much as I wanted it and was ready for it I was too tight.

He withdrew gently and starting rubbing me with his fingers. Inserting one at first, then two. He was gentle stroking me with his fingers making me open more to be able to fit him in me without pain. Suckling my breasts while he did this, I rubbed my hands all over his body. His body was like map and I was finding treasure.

When I thought I couldn’t handle it any more, I pull his face up to mine and kiss him tenderly. Are tongues twisted into one with pleasure that spiked through every part of my body. I thought I would orgasm before he had a chance to put his cock back in me.

Lifting off me he positioned himself over me again. Not saying anything, our eyes did the talking. Lifting my body up to meet his was my way of letting him know I was ready. Gazing deep in my eyes and his tongue taking over my mouth. I was his. He plunged slowly into me again encouraging me to touch myself and him.

He was reading my body like he owned it. Going deeper and faster then holding back and slowing down when he sensed that I was going to explode. Begging him with my eyes for release , he held my hands above my head so I could no longer touch myself or him. He wanted all of my pleasure. There was no more need for penetration. I was there. We were one entity on a pleasure wave.

My orgasm was so intense. I kept coming until I laid there crying while my limbs went limp from the pleasure. I experienced sex before and this was not it. This was more. It went beyond love making, we were joined as one. It didn’t matter what was in the future and all that mattered now was me and Eric.

Eric held me in his arms while I relaxed and drifted off to sleep. He didn't ask me if it was good or if I had enough. Just by him holding me I knew he knew. This wasn't a fuck in the middle of the day. This was love making and it was the start of something new.


Waking to the rumbling of my stomach I feel Eric wake beside me. He cuddles in closer and the heat is suffocating but I enjoy his arms around me.

What’s for dinner woman" he said in the deep throaty voice. I didn’t take it personal. I knew it was a pun and he was waiting for a reaction.

You know I can’t cook for my life. All I do is get everything including myself dirty” I flirt back.

We both chuckle as our stomachs rumble together. Realizing its past 4pm and we had slept the afternoon away I jolt up panicking, wondering what to do. We don’t have much time left before Eric has to leave me and I don’t want to spend it sleeping.

Reading my mood he jumps up and puts his arms around me. “Don’t worry dearest Liz, I will be back soon.”

“I want this too much to not make it work"

I need to be inside you again, make love with you again but I can wait. I can treasure the moments we shared today to keep me with you until I return"

Nudging his mouth closer to my ear and giving me a little nip, he breaks the moment. “Now little one I am going to feed you. Give you a Foodgasm like you have never experienced before.

He throws on one my fluffiest pink robes and makes his way to the kitchen with me close behind, with the promise of intimacy without sex.

Watching Eric going through my pantry to find the needed ingredients for the pasta that he has decided to make for supper is bittersweet. On the one hand our cards have been ‘laid’ and we both want the same thing. On the other hand what happens after he leaves tomorrow. What will our future bring? I want this to work but all I see are obstacles.Can we survive them?

Ready my emotions Eric takes me in his arms. A simple reassurance of our connection and his way of telling me that he is along for the ride. He gazes into my eye and gives me a slow and sweet kiss as he whispered. “We got this, it was meant to be”.

I hold those words near to my heart. Missing him before he is gone. A small tear leaks from my eyes as I replied “forever...”

Does Eric get the ‘job’ he was looking for in San Francisco? With hard work and devotion can Liz & Eric weather the storm living in different states?Stay tuned for Chapter 4pm

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Deanne Cirez
A Desabafo

Writer | Mother | Wife | Entrepreneur. I write about life, love and the day to day struggles to keep things real.