Contribute to the Designer’s Toolbox

Nick Groeneveld
The Designer’s Toolbox
2 min readJun 19, 2020

On how you can publish with the Designer’s Toolbox, the latest Medium publication that focusses on everything you need to know to become a great visual, UI/UX or product designer.

The Designer’s Toolbox

What is the Designer’s Toolbox?

The Designer’s Toolbox is your collection of how-to’s, tips, tricks and best practices in the world of visual, UI/UX and product design. We aim to provide you with every you need to know to become a (better) designer. We’re a new publication, so this is your change to be one of the first contributors and grow your audience alongside ours. Make sure to check out our website as well.

How can I become a writer for The Designer’s Toolbox?

  1. Send us your Medium name at, so that we can add you as a writer.
  2. Submit your stories by adding your draft to our publication. We will review your submission and get back to you within a few business days. You will always hear from us, even if we cannot publish your post.

Note: we might make some minor changes to your post, like fixing typos and formatting errors. We will contact you If we think bigger changes need to be made to your post.

You will always remain the owner of your post. You’re free to decline the changes we propose. You can delete or remove your post from the Designer’s Toolbox at any time.

What kind of posts does the Designer’s Toolbox publish?

Our goal is to educate. This can be very basic knowledge for someone who’s just starting out or someone who’s thinking about taking his first steps as a designer all together. In addition to basic knowledge, we’re also looking for advanced posts from experts in the field. This could be a case study, learnings or best practices based on your own experience. We’re open to review your submission!

Take a look at some examples of posts we consider to be good fits for the Designer’s Toolbox.

Some final remarks

  • It is up to you if you want to have your post behind the Medium Paywall or not. We’re accepting both types of posts.
  • We prefer unpublished posts that will be published through our publication.
  • We do not accept click baits or heavy self-promoting.



Nick Groeneveld
The Designer’s Toolbox

Senior UX designer & mentor. Helping designers get a career in UX. Get the UX Jobs Handbook at