A Discord Bot to Track COVID-19

It’s simpler than you think

The Dev Café


Image by Author

The goal

In this article, I’ll show you how to:

  1. Build the most basic Discord Bot.
  2. Link the Bot to a Discord Server.
  3. Add functionality to track Coronavirus cases for a given country.

Here’s a sneak peek of the final result.

Gif of the Coronavirus Discord Bot — Created by Author.

Before we begin

Make sure you have these:

  1. Node.js installed locally on your machine.
  2. A Discord account.

Discord Developer Portal


Create an application in the Discord Developer Portal.

Once it’s created, you should see the Client ID. This will be used later on to connect the app to a discord server.


Before we can connect our application, we need to create a Bot.

Select Bot from the left menu, and then click Add Bot.

