Docker Compose, What?

The Dev Guide
3 min readOct 15, 2023


Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash

In the previous article, we explored how to set up a Docker container for a Laravel application using a Dockerfile. While a Dockerfile is a powerful way to create Docker images, it's not always convenient, especially when working with complex applications that involve multiple containers. That's where Docker Compose comes into play. In this article, we'll dive into the world of Docker Compose and learn how to use a docker-compose.yml file to manage multi-container applications with ease.

Understanding Docker Compose:

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. It allows you to define the services, networks, and volumes needed for your application in a single YAML file known as docker-compose.yml. With Docker Compose, you can spin up and manage multiple containers in a coordinated and reproducible way.

Key Concepts:

Before we delve into creating a docker-compose.yml file, let's understand some essential concepts:

  1. Services: A service is a container definition. Each service in your docker-compose.yml represents a separate container. For example, you might have services for your application, database, web server, etc.
  2. Networks: Docker Compose automatically creates a network for your services, allowing them to communicate with each other. You can specify custom networks in your docker-compose.yml.
  3. Volumes: Volumes are used to persist data and share files between containers. Docker Compose makes it easy to define and manage volumes.

Creating a Docker Compose File:

Here’s a basic example of a docker-compose.yml file for a Laravel application that uses Nginx as a web server and mariadb as the database:

In this docker-compose.yml:

  • We define three services: app, database, and web.
  • The app service builds from the context of the current directory (where your Laravel app and Dockerfile are located) and maps your code into the container.
  • The database service uses the official mariaDB image and sets environment variables for root password and database name.
  • The web service uses the Nginx Alpine image and maps a custom Nginx configuration file.

Running Your Multi-Container Application:

To start your multi-container application using Docker Compose, navigate to the directory where your docker-compose.yml is located and run:

docker-compose up

This command reads the docker-compose.yml file and starts the defined services. You'll see logs from each service, and you can access your Laravel application at the specified ports in a web browser.

Docker Compose simplifies the management of multi-container applications, making it an essential tool for developers and DevOps professionals. With a well-structured docker-compose.yml file, you can define complex application architectures, simplify deployment, and ensure that your containers work together seamlessly. In the next article, we'll explore more advanced features of Docker Compose, including scaling services and managing environments.

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