Node Installation

The Dev Newbie
Oct 23, 2020


To run Node Server:

node *name of file you want to run in Node*

To install Express, a framework for Node:

$ npm install express --save

To install so that you don’t have to close the terminal every time you edit:

npm install --save-dev nodemon

To install stuff for app.get and for Express:

npm install --save body-parser

To run the server:

run:*start:server OR name of identifier in package.json*

To close terminal:


Node Short Forms

  1. MEAN: MongoDB Express Angular Node
  2. REST: REpresentational State Transfer
  3. API : Application Program Interface
  4. CORS: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

Getting started with Node

Node is for communication with the Server-side. Server files always end in .js , and communication is almost always done in the json format.

Add this to the top to specify that it is a server:

const http = require('http');

After that, add this:

const server = http.createServer((req, res) => { ~Body of server~ });

req is for Request and res is for the Response of the server respectively.

Use this line of code to specify the localhost number you want your server to listen in to:

server.listen(a valid locahost number)

If you change something in your server’s code, you might need to quit the cmd and restart node to see the changes.



The Dev Newbie

HTML, CSS, Angular and Java amateur at 16 years old. Is also learning UI/UX design as an encore.