
Priya Patidar
The Developer’s Diary
6 min readJan 2, 2024

In our last exploration, we delved into the world of SSTables and LSM Trees, uncovering their prowess in efficiently managing large-scale data with a primary focus on write operations. These structures excel in environments where data is continuously added and updated. But what about scenarios where reading and updating data is equally, if not more, important? This brings us to the realm of B-Trees.

B-Trees stand out as a versatile data structure, adept at balancing both read and write operations with remarkable efficiency. Unlike the log-structured approach of SSTables and LSM Trees, which excel in sequential writing and merging, B-Trees offer a more dynamic solution, particularly in databases where data is frequently accessed and modified. Let’s dive into the intricacies of B-Trees and understand why they are a cornerstone in modern database systems.

This article series draws inspiration from the renowned O’Reilly’s book on distributed systems, specifically the insights on storage engines and retrieval mechanisms.

B-Trees and Their Structure:

  • Fixed-Size Blocks: B-Trees divide the database into fixed-size blocks or pages. These pages are traditionally around 4KB in size, aligning with the disk sector size for optimal disk I/O performance.

A “page” in the context of B-Trees is a fixed-size block of data stored on disk, typically used to hold a portion of the tree’s structure, including keys and references to other pages.

  • Read/Write Operations: Unlike log-structured systems that write large segments at a time, B-Trees read and write one page at a time. This approach allows for efficient updating of small portions of the database without needing to rewrite large segments.

B-Trees provide a balanced and efficient structure for both read and write operations, especially for databases that require frequent updates. They excel in environments where data needs to be accessed and modified frequently and randomly, as opposed to the write-once, read-many scenarios where log-structured systems shine.

The image illustrates a B-Tree structure, where each page or node contains keys and references to other nodes, identified by a unique address or location. The topmost page is the root, the starting point for all lookups. Within each page, keys are sorted, and each key separates the ranges of keys stored in each child node it points to. The children hold continuous key ranges, with each key in the parent node serving as the boundary marker for these ranges.

For example, in the provided B-Tree, to find the key ‘130’, you would start at the root page, follow the reference for keys less than ‘155’ and greater than ‘100’, leading you to the child node where ‘130’ resides. This method ensures an efficient path to any key in the tree.

The branching factor in a B-Tree, often several hundred, dictates the number of child node references per node, balancing the tree’s depth and search efficiency. It’s determined by the node size and the space required for page references and key boundaries within.

The “branching factor” refers to the number of child links that each node in a B-Tree can have, determining the tree’s width and depth.

Inserting and Modifying Data in B-Trees

Inserting a New Key: To add a key, locate the appropriate page for the key range and insert the key. If the page is full, split it into two, distributing the keys evenly, and update the parent to reflect the new key division.

Updating an Existing Key: For updates, find the leaf page with the key, modify the value, and write the updated page back to disk.

Efficiency of B-Trees: Balancing and Depth

Consistent Performance: B-Trees maintain a balanced structure, ensuring operations like insertions, updates, and searches can be performed in O(logn) time. This efficiency is due to the tree’s ability to self-balance during data modifications.

Shallow Depth: Most real-world databases utilizing B-Trees fit within 4 to 5 levels deep. This shallow depth means that even with a large dataset, the number of page references to follow to find the right page is minimal.

Capacity Illustration: To put the capacity of B-Trees into perspective, a 4-level B-Tree with 4KB pages and a branching factor of 500 can store up to 250TB of data. This shows how a relatively shallow tree structure can handle vast amounts of data with just a few levels of depth, thanks to the high branching factor.

Such efficiency makes B-Trees a go-to choice for database indexing, where performance and data volume management are critical.

Ensuring B-Tree Reliability

Handling Write Operations: Writes in a B-Tree typically involve overwriting a page directly on disk while maintaining all existing references to that page. However, operations like page splitting due to key insertion require writing multiple pages and can pose risks if the system crashes mid-write.

Write-Ahead Log (WAL): To safeguard against crashes, B-Trees use a WAL. This log records changes before they happen on the tree and is crucial for recovery, restoring the B-Tree to a consistent state post-crash.

Example of Write-Ahead Log (WAL) in Use:

Imagine you’re updating a customer’s address in your database, which is organized using a B-Tree. In a typical scenario, you would locate the page containing the customer’s record and directly update the address on that page. However, before making this change, the B-Tree mechanism first records this intended update in a special log, known as the Write-Ahead Log (WAL).

Here’s how it works:

  1. Recording the Update: The database writes an entry in the WAL stating that the address for ‘Customer XYZ’ will be changed to ‘123 New Street’.
  2. Applying the Update: Only after this log entry is securely saved, the database proceeds to update the address on the actual page in the B-Tree.
  3. Crash Safety: Suppose the system crashes just after the update. Upon recovery, the database checks the WAL. It finds the entry about ‘Customer XYZ’s address change that was in progress.
  4. Consistency Restoration: The database uses this information to complete the update, ensuring the B-Tree reflects the change to ‘123 New Street’, thereby maintaining data integrity and consistency.

In this way, the WAL acts as a safety net, ensuring that any changes to the B-Tree are recorded and can be completed even in the event of a crash, thereby safeguarding against data loss or corruption.

Concurrency Control: Concurrency presents challenges, as multiple threads may see different tree states. This is managed using latches, lightweight locks that ensure threads operate on the tree without conflicting.

Compared to log-structured systems which handle merges and swaps in the background, B-Trees require these additional mechanisms to maintain consistency and reliability amidst concurrent operations and potential system failures.

B-Tree Optimization Techniques

Utilizing Copy-On-Write: Some databases, like LMDB, avoid overwriting pages directly. They employ a copy-on-write strategy where modified pages are written to new locations. This creates a new version of the parent page that points to this new location, enhancing data integrity and allowing for efficient versioning.

Key Abbreviation: Space can be conserved by abbreviating keys, especially in internal nodes that serve as boundaries. This abbreviation allows for more information to be packed into each page, increasing the branching factor and reducing the tree’s depth.

Enhanced Leaf Node Navigation: Adding sibling pointers to leaf nodes enables efficient in-order scanning of keys, bypassing the need to traverse back to the parent node. This streamlines operations that require sequential access, such as range queries.

These optimizations contribute to the robustness and efficiency of B-Trees, ensuring they remain an optimal choice for database indexing even as data storage requirements evolve.


In this deep dive into B-Trees, we’ve unraveled their unique structure and operational efficiency, highlighting their role in balancing read and write operations in database systems. From the fixed-size blocks optimizing disk I/O performance to the innovative Write-Ahead Log ensuring data integrity, B-Trees stand as a testament to elegant engineering in data management

As we close this chapter on B-Trees, our exploration of database structures is far from complete. Our journey continues as we delve into B+ Trees, a natural evolution of B-Trees, renowned for their superior performance in read-intensive scenarios. But our exploration doesn’t stop there. In future articles, we will expand our horizon to other indexing structures, each with its unique strengths and applications. We’ll also dive into indexing for analytics processing, a critical aspect of data analysis in the modern data-driven world. Lastly, we’ll explore column-oriented data structures, which offer optimized solutions for certain types of database queries. Join us as we continue to unravel these advanced concepts, enhancing our understanding of efficient database design and shaping the future of data management.

