Java vs. Rust: The Friendly Code-off

Priya Patidar
The Developer’s Diary
4 min readMar 24, 2024

Hello! I’m a Java enthusiast who recently decided to dive into the vibrant world of Rust. Transitioning between languages can sometimes feel like moving to a new country. Everything’s familiar yet so different. One thing that really threw me for a loop? Rust macros vs. Java functions. If you’ve ever scratched your head wondering how a feature in one language stacks up against another, you’re not alone. This article is for anyone who’s new to Rust or comes from a Java background. We’ll explore Rust macros and see how they compare to what we’re used to in Java. Join me on this learning adventure from Java’s familiarity to the exciting new concepts in Rust.

Rust Macros

  • Compile-Time Expansion: Macros in Rust are expanded at compile time. This means that before your Rust program is compiled into executable code, the macro code is processed and replaced with the detailed code it represents. This process allows macros to generate code based on the input parameters provided to them, which can lead to very powerful patterns of code reuse and abstraction.
  • Syntax Flexibility: Rust macros can take variable types and numbers of arguments, allowing them to be used in more versatile ways than functions. For example, a single macro can be designed to accept different numbers of parameters without needing to overload it, as you might with functions in other languages.
  • Type Safety and Checks: Since macros are expanded at compile time, they can produce code that is as type-safe as manually written code. However, the macro itself is responsible for generating correct Rust code; otherwise, the compiler will emit errors after macro expansion.

Functions in Java

  • Runtime Execution: Functions in Java are called and executed at runtime. When you call a function, the code within that function runs with the arguments you pass to it. The function itself is not modified or expanded; the same code is executed every time the function is called.
  • Type and Parameter Consistency: Java functions have fixed parameter types and counts (although overloading and varargs can provide some flexibility). Each function call must match one of the function’s declared signatures. This consistency ensures type safety but with less flexibility compared to macros.
  • Memory Allocation: When a function is called, especially if objects are created within it, memory allocation happens at runtime. Functions operate within the runtime environment, adhering to the Java Virtual Machine’s (JVM) rules and memory management.


Java Example: Using a Function

In Java, we’d typically use a method to repeat a given string a certain number of times. Here’s how you might do it:

public class Repeater {
public static String repeatText(String text, int times) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < times; i++) {
return sb.toString();

public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(repeatText("Java", 3));

This Java method takes a string and an integer, repeats the string that many times, and returns the result. It’s a straightforward, runtime method call.

Rust Example: Using a Macro

In Rust, we can use a macro to achieve similar functionality but at compile time, which allows for more flexibility:

macro_rules! repeat_text {
($text:expr, $times:expr) => {{
let mut result = String::new();
for _ in 0..$times {

fn main() {
println!("{}", repeat_text!("Rust", 3));

This macro repeat_text! in Rust does something similar to the Java function but is expanded at compile time. The macro takes two expressions: the text to repeat and the number of times to repeat it, generating a new string with the repeated text.

Key Differences :

  • Compilation vs. Runtime: The Java example operates at runtime, meaning the repeatText method is called and executed during the program's execution. The Rust macro, on the other hand, is expanded at compile time, meaning the code inside the macro is generated and compiled as part of the final program code before the program runs.
  • Flexibility: The Rust macro can be more flexible because it’s processed at compile time. It can take different types of inputs and generate a wide range of outputs based on its inputs, something that’s harder to achieve with Java methods without overloading or using varargs.
  • Performance: Because Rust’s macros generate code at compile time, they can potentially lead to more optimized runtime performance, since there’s no overhead for method calls or runtime decision-making. Java’s method call involves stack operations and runtime checks.

By comparing these examples, you can see how Rust macros offer a powerful compile-time code generation capability, allowing for sophisticated programming patterns that can be more performant and flexible than traditional Java methods.

As I navigate my Rust learning journey, I’ll share more articles about the tricky parts and my discoveries. If you think I’ve missed something or have insights of your own, I’d love to hear them. Stay tuned for more in this series!

