Weak Isolation Levels in Databases: Ensuring Data Consistency with Performance

Priya Patidar
The Developer’s Diary
2 min readMay 19, 2024
Ref: Google image

To get a foundational understanding of the principles behind these concepts, including the ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability), please read our article on Transactions in Distributed Applications: ACID Properties. This background will provide you with the necessary context to appreciate the trade-offs involved in weak isolation levels.

In database systems, isolation levels determine how transaction integrity is maintained, particularly in environments where multiple transactions occur concurrently. While the highest isolation level, Serializable, ensures the highest consistency by treating transactions as if they were executed serially, it can be resource-intensive and reduce performance. To balance consistency and performance, databases often use weaker isolation levels. This article series will explore various weak isolation levels, their characteristics, and how they address common concurrency issues such as lost updates, write skew, and phantom reads.

Ref: Google image

Series Overview

  1. Read Committed Isolation
  • Definition and Characteristics: We’ll delve into what Read Committed isolation entails, how it allows a transaction to read only committed data, and its implications for consistency.
  • Concurrency Issues Addressed: Discussion on how Read Committed isolation prevents dirty reads and its limitations regarding non-repeatable reads and phantom reads.

2. Snapshot Isolation

  • Definition and Characteristics: An in-depth look at Snapshot Isolation, how it provides a consistent view of the database as of the start of the transaction, and its implementation.
  • Concurrency Issues Addressed: Examination of how Snapshot Isolation prevents issues like dirty reads and non-repeatable reads, and how it handles write skew.

3. Common Concurrency Issues

Throughout this series, we’ll also explore various concurrency issues that arise in multi-transaction environments and how different isolation levels address them:

  • Lost Updates: When two transactions read the same data and then update it, potentially overwriting each other’s changes.
  • Write Skew: A phenomenon where two transactions read overlapping data sets and then make conflicting updates based on the initial read state.
  • Phantom Reads: When a transaction reads a set of rows that satisfy a condition and another transaction inserts or deletes rows that would affect the original transaction’s result set.

By understanding these weak isolation levels and their impact on data consistency and performance, database professionals can make informed decisions about which isolation level best suits their application’s needs. Stay tuned as we dive into each isolation level in detail, starting with Read Committed Isolation.

Ref: This article was inspired by the book “Designing Data-Intensive Applications” by Martin Kleppmann, which provides in-depth insights into the complexities of database design and transaction management.

